Switched On Insurance set out to discover whether Samsung or iPhone gives consumers best value for money.
Switched On Insurance has looked into the individual costs of components for both iPhone 8 and Samsung 8, discovering which brand invests more into the quality of its parts.
Research shows that both brands invest the most into the quality of the display, with Samsung spending a whopping £63.75 on that alone.
Some may be surprised that iPhone spends more on its camera than Samsung, perhaps aligning with verdicts that indicate Apple has finally out-camera’d its South Korean rival.
But does increased cost mean better quality? In this case, yes. iPhone comes out on top, offering high quality components for a little extra money.
It turns out iPhone charges users £775 for components that cost £216.06 to make, while the Samsung 8+ costs £230.63 to make and users are charged £689. But iPhone wins on overall quality and gives the best value for money.
Sales and Marketing Director of Switched On Insurance, Mark Izzard, relayed what this means for the industry:
“Given these two tech rivals are performing so well in the marketplace, the question for the rest of the industry is whether they can convince users to either sacrifice quality for a lower cost, or pay premium prices for a better experience.”
Find out how the iPhone Vs Samsung debate was finally settled here.
(Source: Switched On Insurance)