How Do You Encourage Happiness in the Workplace?

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Posted: July 25, 2018
CEO Today
Last Updated 21st October 2024
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Are the British public happy with their work life? Apparently not, according to research by the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF). The data found that nearly half of the respondents wanted to change jobs and more than 20% were hoping to be in a different role in the next 12 months.

It was the younger generation who appeared unhappiest with their career to date, with two-thirds of 18-34 year olds open to new opportunities. While this shows there is a growing dissatisfaction in how people feel about their roles, it was surprising to find that many wouldn’t switch careers due to possible financial constraints.

So, if people are prepared to stick with a job they don’t like, how can you improve their working environment and create a happier atmosphere? With happy employees 12% more productive, it’s important to businesses and individuals to have a positive atmosphere. Here are some top tips in how to make your working life more fulfilling, whether you’re a manager or employee.

Improve your skills with planned training

As an employee, don’t be afraid to approach your employer if you believe there are training courses available that would benefit both yourself and your workplace. The worst they can say is no, but most should be receptive to the idea. Not only can it lead to you picking up new skills and feeling more valuable, it is also beneficial for the business. According to a 2011 report by Andries De Grip and Jan Sauermann, staff productivity is increased by nine% thanks to training.

For managers, team development is crucial. A well-informed team can help boost productivity as well as keeping your staff happier, which will in turn help your retention rate rise.

Regularly touch base with your staff/manager

Struggling in the dark isn’t good for anybody. Whether you’re an employee or a manager, make sure you are regularly consulting one another in the workplace as this is a great way to keep projects moving and avoids any kind of anxiety about unclear instructions. Creating an atmosphere of friendly cooperation is conducive to a good working relationship.

Boost your co-worker culture

Tech start-ups and the millennial generation are keen advocated of the open-plan office space – and for good reason – it makes communication easier. A communication culture helps aid the spirit of cooperation in the workplace, which leads to an increase of happiness (which then leads to more productivity.) Harvard researchers Phil Stone and Tal Ben-Shahar found that students who had social support at school and at home were happier and better at dealing with stress. Carrying this kind of support into the workplace sets strong foundations for an increase in overall happiness.

Great morale boosters include staff nights out, team meetings and office sweepstakes. As a manager, you should have a budget for this type of activity, as you’ll be repaid in increased productivity. As an employee, make sure you are involved. Even if your workplace doesn’t provide much for your team, you can set up your own internal sweepstakes or fantasy sport leagues to help boost happiness and keep things on track.

A happy employee is more productive, so prioritise happiness and your working environment is sure to improve.

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