How to Become the Leader You Were Meant to Be

leader, become, coaching, coach, leadership
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Posted: March 31, 2022
Last Updated 21st October 2024
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What is leadership coaching?

Business leaders of all levels may benefit from leadership coaching, a powerful management training tool that helps them use their leadership abilities to their fullest potential. It helps you become more conscious by allowing you to practice and get clear feedback (Herminia et al.). You will improve your natural leadership skills so that you may better motivate teams and accomplish specific personal, professional, and organisational goals. IMD, one of the world’s leading business schools, places a high value on leadership mentoring as part of several of its programs (IMD). Examples of this kind of integrated leadership coaching include the High- Performance Leadership (HPL) program, which is designed to help senior managers better understand the essence of leadership and how to guide their teams toward key company goals.

Coaching produces leaders who are more self-aware and who can make lasting behavioral changes. This is in contrast to the usual methods of leadership education. It involves having the leader obtain feedback, examine his or her activities, as well as practice new actions or behaviors linked to development objectives via a series of one-on-one focused coaching interactions (Douglas). Coaching helps executives identify their intended business outcomes and the obstacles preventing them from achieving them. In addition to strengthening the leader’s ability to learn, coaching helps the leader build methods for achieving the business goals they have defined.

Throughout the course, you will be working one-on-one and in small groups with highly trained coaches. You’ll receive extensive personalised feedback as you practice leading and experiment with your role as a leader. Getting help from a leadership coach may help you become more self-aware, understand the various facets of your leadership, and work toward being the leader you want to be. Allowing the leader in you to emerge, you may impact change in your team and organisation by reinvigorating yourself to become a better leader, you don’t need to be a copycat of someone else’s style. A professional coach’s unbiased and honest assessment of your leadership style, skills, and weaknesses may be beneficial (Phillips and Ball). After that, they will help you develop your strengths and correct your weaknesses by putting you through a variety of group and individual exercises. Over time, you become the leader you were always meant to be.

To put it another way: HPL is only a minor piece in the puzzle of life. Because of this, you will get daily, intensive group coaching as part of the program to help you develop your leadership talents. The possibility of more coaching sessions is always open (IMD). You will notice a long-term impact on your leadership performance thanks to this continuous coaching help.

Who is leadership and executive coaching for?

Both working with an organisation’s leaders to help them maximise their talents and manage their teams successfully and using a leadership style while interacting with their teams are examples of what is meant by the term “leadership coaching.” People, relationships, businesses, and behavioral change are all areas of expertise for executive coaches (Douglas McKenna). For executive coaching, you’ve found the golden spot when an executive is looking for advice on how to better manage and

engage people. As a qualified professional, an executive coach works with executives and high-potential employees to help them enhance their self-awareness, create objectives, reach development targets, and unleash their potential. They also serve as a sounding board for those in need of advice and support.

Coaching that transforms a business into a true learning organisation is provided by the company’s workers. It is something that every manager should do regularly with their whole workforce to contribute to the overall culture and mission of the company. To be an effective manager coach, a person must ask questions rather than provide answers, encourage rather than criticise their employees, and facilitate rather than dictate what has to be done.

What are the benefits of working with a leadership coach?

For leaders, there are seven reasons executive coaching may be beneficial (Ryan Bonnici):
• The ability to recognise one has improved.

• The ability to maintain self-control has improved.
• The amount of empathy has increased. • The quality of cognition during work improves.

• The degree of motivation has increased. • Social talents have been enhanced.
• The development of leadership abilities has occurred.

Why should I hire a leadership coach?

For several reasons, a company’s top executives could consider working with a leadership coach. One of a leader’s most important roles is that of co-pilot, providing support when the leader is in the trenches, dealing with difficulties and goals that are exclusive to him or her. To manage more productive teams, coaches may aid you in convincing others to join you and extracting the best performance from each member based on their abilities (Diane Coutu and Carol Kauffman). This can only be accomplished by a great leader who also teaches his or her team members how to be leaders in their own right. The goal of a leadership coach is to help the person they are working with become a better leader. Through this collaboration, they want to learn and grow as a team.

Coaching produces leaders who are more self-aware and who can make lasting behavioural changes. This is in contrast to the usual methods of leadership education.

In addition, a coach may help a leader discover areas where they need to grow. A leader may benefit from coaching if they want to reach their current goals or take their career in a new direction. Executives who are floundering may also benefit from coaching to improve their results.

What are the differences between business coaching, life coaching, results coaching and business results training?

Someone who is compensated to come into your company and assist you in defining objectives and working toward them on an ongoing basis is known as a business coach. They can assist you in developing a strategy for achieving a certain goal, and they may even be able to get you started on the correct path right away. After, however, they are no longer present in the structure (Tony Robbins).

To assist you in realising your full potential and achieving your goals, you need to consult a life coach who has received professional training in this area. The job of a helpful friend and the role of a trustworthy therapist are combined in one person. Essentially, someone who will drive you to set goals, keep you responsible, and support you as you progress along your path to being a better version of yourself. Training programs for coaches include in-depth instruction on how to ask the correct questions, interact successfully with clients, as well as to conduct in-depth investigations into the individual’s needs

and aspirations (Robbins). Before starting, they are often trained in a certain coaching style, such as Tony Robbins’ Results Coaching, which is a popular choice. Examine the various coaching techniques available as well as the number of training hours necessary; not all coaching programs are comparable in their effectiveness.

Results-developing coaching connections with employees to assist them in moving forward in their careers are a leadership practice that is used in many organisations. Coach-leadership is a new identity that encourages leaders to “walk the walk,” learning and improving themselves first before leading and modelling their behaviour for others, according to the Harvard Business Review. Result-oriented coaching, on the other hand, may be separated into four stages: You should: (1) set specific goals, as well as long- term objectives; (2), consider your own emotions, obstacles, and possibilities in light of the present scenario, as well as possible paths to achieving your objective, and finally, commit to a timeline throughout the coaching process (Dan Krasinski). Creating specific goals and long-term objectives is important.

However, although outcome training emphasises goal-setting and personal development, it is also a more comprehensive strategy to bring about a good change in your organisation (Phillips and Ball). While business counseling may assist you in achieving your short- term objectives, to build a long-term and competitive company, you must have the knowledge and abilities that Business Results Training provides.

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