The Gymshark Journey: From Pizza Deliveries to Billion-Dollar Brand 472490293 18481848814041356 8616231863669931977 n 1080
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Posted: January 30, 2025
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The Gymshark Journey: From Pizza Deliveries to Billion-Dollar Brand

If you’ve ever slipped on a pair of Gymshark leggings or flexed in a Gymshark hoodie, you’ve probably wondered how this now iconic brand came to be. Well, grab a protein shake and settle in, because we’re about to tell you the story of Gymshark and its founder, Ben Francis – a tale of bicep curls, sweat, and a whole lot of hustle.

A Humble Beginning in the Gym

It all started in a small gym in Birmingham. Picture this: a group of school friends, including Ben Francis, lifting weights under the most dodgy lighting imaginable. No, it wasn’t the set of a Netflix thriller, but it might as well have been. The stage was set for something big, though no one could have predicted how massive it would get.

In the early 2010s, Ben was juggling university lectures, delivering pizzas, and hitting the gym late at night – like every fitness fanatic who’s serious about gains. But while pizza deliveries were great for a side hustle, Ben’s real passion was in fitness. He wanted a piece of the action, but how?

He started small – a few workout apps, a social network, a website – each attempt was a bit of a flop, but they got him closer to the big idea. And then, in 2012, Gymshark was born. The website was live, but there was one little problem: Ben had no stock. What’s a budding entrepreneur to do?

From Drop-Shipping to Hand-Stitched Dreams

With no cash to back the venture, Ben came up with a crafty solution. began selling performance supplements – without actually holding any stock. When someone placed an order, it was drop-shipped from a third-party retailer, and Gymshark pocketed a small margin. Genius, right?

It took two whole months for the first order to come through, but the wait was totally worth it. As the brand slowly started to grow, Gymshark pivoted to adding clothing to the mix. The catch? Ben was sewing and screen-printing all the gear himself. Yes, you read that right – Ben Francis was hand-making Gymshark’s first products, one stitch at a time.

Athletes, Community, and Social Media Magic

The brand started to really catch fire when Ben and his mates tapped into something the fitness world was missing: a community. Gymshark wasn’t just about selling products – it was about building a family. And who better to help with that than fitness heroes?

Ben sent Gymshark’s first products to some of the biggest names in bodybuilding (a.k.a. his heroes), hoping they’d like the brand. They did. Not only did they love the gear, but they shared it with their followers. Enter Gymshark’s first-ever athletes. While this wasn’t “influencer marketing” in the way we know it today, it certainly had the same impact. As the athletes spread the word, Gymshark’s community grew, and so did the brand’s success.

BodyPower: The Big Risk, The Big Reward

In 2013, Gymshark took a massive leap of faith. Ben and his team drained their bank account to book a booth at the BodyPower Expo in Birmingham. Now, if you’ve ever been to BodyPower, you know it’s not cheap to exhibit. But for Gymshark, it was a game-changer.

The moment the doors to the expo opened, the Gymshark stand was flooded with athletes, fans, and – most importantly – future Gymshark family members. That weekend, the Gymshark brand was officially launched to the masses, and there was no going back.

The Luxe Tracksuit: A Game-Changer

One product that really made Gymshark’s mark was the Luxe Tracksuit. It was the brand’s first high-quality offering, designed to be both functional and stylish. But here’s the kicker – Ben and the team spent all their earnings on the development of this product, and the minimum order wiped out the company’s bank account once again. No risk, no reward, right?

The Luxe Tracksuit made its debut at BodyPower 2013, and in just 30 minutes, Gymshark’s website saw more traffic and sales than ever before. Gymshark had officially arrived on the scene, and it wasn’t going anywhere.

Related: Gymshark Founder Ben Francis' Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

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Flexing Into the Future

Fast-forward to today, and Gymshark has become synonymous with sleek, high-performance workout gear. But what really sets the brand apart is its community – a loyal, like-minded group of athletes and fans who love to work hard and have fun while doing it.

Gymshark’s expansion is relentless, from hosting epic events like the “We Lift The City” series to opening flagship stores like the one on London’s iconic Regent Street. And let’s not forget the Gymshark Lifting Club – an employee-only gym that’s as cool as it sounds.

The Gymshark Legacy

Ben’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. From delivering pizzas to building a billion-dollar fitness empire, Gymshark’s rise is a testament to passion, perseverance, and community. And with new ventures like GSIQ, Gymshark’s product innovation centre, the future looks brighter than ever for this brand.

So, next time you pull on your Gymshark gear and hit the gym, remember: this brand was built by a group of friends who shared a love for lifting and a dream to create something special. And today, that dream is a global family of lifters, athletes, and fitness lovers – united in their passion for progress.

From gym rats to billion-dollar empire!

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