The black diamond, which was listed in the Guinness World Records as one of the largest and toughest diamonds in existence, was unveiled in Dubai on Tuesday. It is set to travel from Los Angeles from January 24 to January 26 and finally to London on February 2 in time for Sotheby’s online auction.
The online auction will run from February 3 to February 9 and will be without reserve, meaning the highest bidder will be awarded the diamond regardless of price, with cryptocurrency also being accepted.
Sotheby’s has called the rare black diamond “a treasure from interstellar space”, going on to explain that “to have a natural faceted black diamond of this size is an extremely rare occurrence and its origins are shrouded in mystery – thought to have been created either from a meteoric impact or having actually emerged from a diamond-bearing asteroid that collided with Earth.”
According to Sotheby’s jewellery specialist Nikita Binani, the sale of The Enigma “represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to acquire one of the rarest, billion-year-old cosmic wonders known to humankind.”