Aaron Bludworth describes himself as a CEO, a father of five and a Mormon. Youll notice that bleeding-heart liberal is nowhere on the list. In fact Bludworth was a lifelong Republican until he left the party last year, and he still considers himself very much a conservative. But Bludworth has spent countless hours over the past year taking thousands of photos that focus on people in need. Theres his haunting photo of a little boy and his mom in Chicago featured above. The two were sitting in a doorway on a cold, winter day because they had nowhere to live. Its not exactly the kind of pastime you might expect from a CEO who travels the world for Fern, the Cincinnati-based marketing and tradeshow services company that he and his business partners bought in 2005. But theres more to Bludworth than the assumptions people might make based on his home address and political beliefs. Bludworth argues theres more to the people he photographs, too.