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CEO Today

Hi, I'm Richard, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

What Happened To Dell?

May 28, 2019
Since its 1984 launch in Michael Dell's dorm , Dell has evolved from a PC maker to a $90 billion in revenue and services in storage, servers, cloud infrastructure and data security. Since then, CEO, Michael Dell has taken his company public, private and then public again as it tried to keep up with changing consumer and business customer needs.
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5 Reasons Why Digital Transformation Projects Go Wrong

May 24, 2019
As the digital age continues to hurtle along at break-neck speed, more and more organisations are investing in transformation projects to stay ahead of the game.
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The Flat Earth Society and What Leaders Can Learn from It

May 23, 2019
More than 475 years after Copernicus published his theory on the Revolutions Of The Celestial Spheres, in direct challenge to the popular belief that the earth was the centre of the universe, there has been a significant rise in members of the Flat Earth Society.
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Is Stress the Silent Barrier to Innovation Culture?

May 22, 2019
Who doesn’t want an innovative culture? The kind that generates innovations like bureaucracies generate paperwork, and which disrupts industries so often it becomes business as usual?
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Top Countries for CEOs to Retire to in 2019

May 22, 2019
With global movements like FIRE advocating for early retirement, Millenials are now focusing on living their later years in total financial freedom.
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Sleep for Success: A CEO’s Guide to Restful Slumber

May 21, 2019
A good night’s slumber is essential to a healthy existence; protecting us physically and mentally as well as boosting general quality of life.
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Asia’s Booming E-Commerce Market and the Challenge to China’s Dominance

May 21, 2019
E-commerce is one of the greatest business success stories of the last decade.
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Why Private Jet Hire Is the Way Forward for Businesses

May 20, 2019
Travelling for work can be fun, especially when you’re heading overseas.
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Here's Why Uber Is Losing Money

May 20, 2019
Uber will hit the public markets this morning with a valuation that could top $75 billion. The world's biggest ride-hailing business debuts weeks after Lyft, its smaller rival.
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Here Are the Top 3 Lies About Automation

May 17, 2019
Automation is arguably the biggest opportunity for UK Business – particularly in the complex political landscape we find ourselves in.
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4 Top Tips for Funding a Tech Start-Up

May 16, 2019
Raising capital for your business is the hardest yet most important task for any young start-up.
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IP in Russia: How Can Rights Holders Protect Themselves?

May 15, 2019
The economic integration of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and free flow of goods between member states has represented a positive step forward economically for the region.
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CEO Today Online and CEO Today magazine are dedicated to providing CEOs and C-level executives with the latest corporate developments, business news and technological innovations.
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