Hi, I'm Richard, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@ceotodaymagazine.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!
A recent survey by Savile Row Company, London-based tailors of fine shirts and suits, found that more than half (56%) of millennials think their office would benefit from a smarter, better enforced dress code. What’s more, only around a third (34%) think their workplace colleagues dress smartly enough already. The new data suggests that the […]
The basics of advertising are to get someone's attention and encourage them to do something. And the most effective way of being noticed? By using a massive billboard. Below, experts at Where The Trade Buys, retailer of selfie frames and more, delve into the real power of billboard advertising Billboards have a New York origin, […]
As human beings, we are not immune to the fact that being organised brings efficiency and order to our lives, but as much as we enjoy the control that brings, we are notoriously bad at staying organised. Here is a reminder of some of the changes we can make in order to declutter our minds […]
The creative industries cover everything from design to dance, art to architecture but what really makes a city creative? Bloom & Wild have compared data for some of the UK’s biggest cities to find out which are the most creative, happy and most colourful. This will help guide creative start-ups so that they can find […]
The idea for getting more for your money is something that carries obvious appeal. This has led to an increase in budget holidays and economy travel. However, for some of us, we just can’t resist travelling in luxury. Whether it’s car rental for a business trip, or relaxing to the max on your summer holiday, […]
Communication is ingrained in every facet of life, yet many struggle with fear, insecurity and general ineffectiveness when they find themselves eye to eye with someone to present ideas, address complicated situations, express feelings, negotiate or just “sell them self”—all whether in a personal or professional context. Below CEO Today hears from Merilee Kern, MBA, […]
In a health-conscious society, we are increasingly aware of our lifestyles and the importance of trying to stay healthy. Below Conor McArdle of Brighter Business, delves into the benefits of exercise for all busy CEOs. For many workers across the UK, day-to-day work involves spending a great deal of time sat down. Whether you’re in […]
When customers have an issue that needs resolving, the one thing they want is to be able to speak to someone that can help. Can a chatbot do that? Yes, it can. Paul Shepherd, Founder and CEO of We Build Bots, explains for CEO Today. The latest Customer Satisfaction Index from the Institute of Customer […]
Incident management is often seen as little more than the necessary, slightly depressing clean-up after a major cyber incident. But the way a CEO handles a hack could have a long-term impact on reputation that far outstrips the initial financial losses. Here Phil Chambers, COO at Metro Communications, offers expert insight into the common mistakes […]
If you ask people about their hire car experiences, they’re more likely to tell you about frustrating waits at airport collection depots and the gamble of not knowing exactly what underwhelming hatch back they end up driving. Rarely do you hear them recalling the hum of a V8 engine whizzing through a stunning alpine pass […]
The south of France is a cosmopolitan region of France famous for its fabulous weather, glamorous coastal resorts and quaint villages. It’s as popular as ever amongst the French and other Europeans who flock to the region for their holidays -especially in the summer months. So which beaches can visitors go to – to get […]
Angel investment is one of the most notable avenues for capital in the UK. Business angels tend to invest in businesses who are either in the early stages of their growth or in established companies seeking to achieve expansion, in return for equity shares. Aside from the capital, angel investors offer a wealth of experience […]
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