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CEO Today

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'Brexit Will Not Make Me Wealthier'

September 12, 2018
With the date that Britain leaves the EU edging ever closer, the Enterprise Investment Scheme Association (EISA) recently launched The Brexit Wealth Index 2018. Based on research conducted across a sample of 2007 respondents - of which - 1,122 were nationally representative investors, the data outlines the wealth creation opportunities available to them post-Brexit. Providing […]
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How to Manage Multi-Generations in the Workplace

September 12, 2018
The modern workforce can now comprise of up to five generations. This new breed of multi-generational teams brings challenges to employers and managers, who must understand and oversee the needs and requirements of each generation to deliver great performance. Below CEO Today hears from Caroline Dunk, Director at the cda, with an in-depth discussion on managing […]
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Is Your Mobile Workforce Putting Your Company at Risk of a Data Breach?

September 11, 2018
Last month, Parliament Street revealed that within the last year, commuters lost over 26,000 electronic devices on London’s Transport for London (TfL) network. Working on the go has become commonplace for many employees, but the security risks of mobile working are often overlooked. Below Jan van Vliet, VP and GM EMEA at Digital Guardian, discusses […]
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When Luxury Meets Adventure: Amazing Discovery Expeditions for CEOs

September 11, 2018
Founded a decade ago, Cookson Adventures has always been an innovative enterprise, seeking to push the boundaries of luxury adventure travel. From organising the first manned submersible dive in Antarctica to putting clients at the heart of crucial conservation work in the Galápagos Islands, the company puts luxury at the core of extraordinary journeys. Is […]
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5 Considerations When Buying Property as an Investor

September 10, 2018
For many people, investing in property is a secure place to place their cash during a time when interest on savings remains low and mortgages are relatively cheap. Some investors buy to let while others choose fixer-uppers to renovate and sell quickly. No matter what type of property investor you aspire to be, here is a quick guide to […]
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Warren Buffett Explains the 2008 Financial Crisis

September 10, 2018
A decade after the financial crisis, billionaire investor Warren Buffett explains what was behind the 2008 mayhem, what we can do to limit the damage and opportunities missed last time.
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Why the Next Wave of CEOs Will Be from Marketing

September 7, 2018
Years ago, the idea of a marketer becoming a business leader was farfetched. Below CEO Today hears from Jamie Anderson, President, EMEA at Marketo, who discusses the evolution of CMOs to the positions of CEO, and the next generation of business leaders. Marketing has shifted from cost centre to revenue driver, and CMOs are adding […]
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Japan Top to Bottom: 5 Must-See Destinations

September 6, 2018
Japan is a beautiful cultural jewel. And Asia, in particular Japan and China, is a top priority market for many western businesses, meaning CEOs are in and out daily. If you do happen to be travelling that way, CEO Today has put together a quick guide to the best stays, views and experiences across Japan, […]
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Improving Customer Loyalty: How Can It Be Done?

September 5, 2018
Consumer habits have changed, they aren’t as loyal as they once were. They now have more choice and companies are more competitive when it comes to price and product selection. So, how can brands encourage their customers to be loyal to them and encourage them not to go elsewhere? QUIZ, retailers of party dresses, tell […]
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China’s Plan to Use AI in Foreign Policymaking Reflects Its Global Leader 2030 Vision

September 5, 2018
China’s recent announcement to actively explore the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in foreign diplomacy, which forms part of its strategy to be the world leader in AI technology by 2030, marks the first time in modern history that the country will not be playing technological catch up to the Western world, says GlobalData. Of […]
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Extravagance or Efficient Planning? Private Aviation Charter for Business Travel

September 4, 2018
Private jet travel has, for a long time, been regarded as the sole domain of the super-rich or cosseted stars who couldn’t bring themselves to travel on commercial flights. But over the past decade that image has slowly been changing thanks to a forward-thinking industry which recognized that private jet travel was poorly understood and […]
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The Power of Consumer Rights and the Fight Against Volkswagen

September 4, 2018
Consumers put a vast amount of trust into big brands, and we have faith that they’re providing us with a quality product or service. In a recent class action however, Volkswagen have been in quite a debacle with customers over its ‘Dieselgate’ emissions scandal, bringing to light certain consumer rights issues, as discussed below by […]
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CEO Today Online and CEO Today magazine are dedicated to providing CEOs and C-level executives with the latest corporate developments, business news and technological innovations.
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