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The Smart CEO: An Unlikely Relationship with AI

January 24, 2018
From risks to opportunity, AI is set to drive a whole new way of doing business, and the way CEOs interact with technology is about to change in so many new ways. Below Tim Pullan, CEO and Founder of ThoughtRiver, explains to CEO Today the unlikely yet inevitable relationship between leaders and AI. CEOs are […]
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6 Hacks for a Health Centred Workplace

January 24, 2018
As data suggests that 45% of women and 37% of men spend less than 30 minutes a day on their feet, keeping employees mobile is key to a healthy workforce. In addition, recent research also found that 78 % of office workers felt they spent too much time sitting down during the working day, and […]
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6 Reasons Why 2018 Is the Year for Angel Investment

January 23, 2018
Baybars Altuntas, the Chairman of the World Business Angel Investors Forum, explains to CEO Today why the angel investment community may have a particularly prolific year ahead. Angel investment is far from a new concept, but in recent years, the number of angel investments taking place has grown exponentially, having now reached the point at […]
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Who Were the Most Googled Directors in 2017?

January 23, 2018
Business mogul, Lord Alan Sugar has been revealed as the UK’s ‘most searched for’ company director of 2017. The entrepreneur turned TV personality, topped the top 20 list for the second consecutive year as UK business owners searched for him more than any other director in the last 12 months. This follows the end of […]
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Samsung Vs iPhone: Who Charges You the Most for Its Parts?

January 22, 2018
Switched On Insurance set out to discover whether Samsung or iPhone gives consumers best value for money. Switched On Insurance has looked into the individual costs of components for both iPhone 8 and Samsung 8, discovering which brand invests more into the quality of its parts. Research shows that both brands invest the most into […]
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The Top 5 Networking Trends for 2018

January 22, 2018
Below Martin Hester, Strategic Consultant at Nuvias, brings CEO Today the networking trends that will shape 2018. Security First Cyber threats are becoming ever more sophisticated and increasing in volume. In addition, remote working or working across multiple sites and multiple devices, together with an increasing reliance on cloud-based applications, have all served to weaken traditional […]
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2018 Offers Investors Optimism but They Need to Proceed with Caution

January 19, 2018
Faster global GDP growth, continuing loose global monetary policies, and US tax cuts will help make 2018 a profitable year for investors. But there are also some important headwinds on the horizon. Nigel Green, founder and chief executive of deVere Group looks to the year ahead with optimistic caution. He comments: “2017 has been marked by steady […]
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Which Country in the World Spends the Most on Their Healthcare?

January 18, 2018
Focus Clinic have produced a map revealing which countries across the world allocate the highest percentage of government expenditure to their healthcare. Question is, is your country doing enough? Let’s be frank. Having good health is one of the most important things in this world. Quite simply, because it enables us to live life. Healthcare […]
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Navigating Your Business Through the Murky Waters of Offshore Accounts

January 18, 2018
The Paradise Papers recently opened a new window into how offshore accounts can often leave a thin line between actually breaking the law and simply taking advantage of it. Below Mehran Eftekhar, Group Finance & Corporate Services Director at Nest Investments, delves into the ‘murky waters’ of offshore accounts and how to understand how it […]
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Here’s How a Focus on Customer Loyalty Can Make More Sales

January 17, 2018
In the digital age of increased competition and heightened customer expectations, businesses must be proactive to stay ahead of the pack. Mark Jackson, Head of Financial Services at the Collinson Group, explains for CEO Today. Keeping ahead in business is like trying to go up on a downwards escalator. If you run, you go forwards. […]
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Accountants & Bankers Frustrated by Work 'Stress Codes'

January 17, 2018
Employees within the accountancy and banking sectors across the UK have called for an end to the work 'stress code' as research shows that workers are being put through heightened stress due to a lack of clarity around what they are expected to wear at work. According to a survey of 500 male and female […]
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A True Leader Is Not Always the Person at the Top

January 16, 2018
From Elon Musk to Kim Jong-un, people at the top are loved and hated worldwide, but what truly makes a leader? Isaac Getz is Professor at ESCP EUROPE Business School, and author of award-winning book Freedom, Inc. Here Prof. Getz explains to CEO Today what truly forms the defining attributes of a real leader. In […]
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