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Kobe Steel: This Crisis Is More Than a Corporate Governance Issue

November 14, 2017
Estelle Clark is Director of Policy at the Chartered Quality Institute, Non-Executive of Riversimple, the hydrogen fuel cell eco-car company and a member of the Governance Advisory Panel at the Institute of Directors. Here Estelle discusses the current situation with Kobe Steel and sheds light on some interesting angles that affect the corporate sphere. The […]
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Here’s How Beatboxing Can Help You Master Successful Business Communication

November 13, 2017
Business and Beatboxing. At face value, they don’t share any obvious similarities, yet according to Ally Yates, author of ‘Utter Confidence: How what you say and do influences your effectiveness in business’, says there’s commonality to be exploited. Beatboxing uses the body like a versatile musical instrument, imitating a variety of sounds through the mouth, […]
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Digital Vs Paper: A History of Printing, In House and Outsourced

November 13, 2017
You’ll likely remember your office in the 90s had a couple of printers, or even a printer room. Did the digital age simply eliminate the need for paper printing, or did we just adapt and begin outsourcing fa more? What does the cost dynamic look like for different types of business? Here James Kinsella, Co-Founder […]
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Former Apple CEO John Sculley On Entrepreneurial Capitalism

November 13, 2017
We sat down with John Sculley to discuss entrepreneurial capitalism and how companies need to put customers first.
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CEOs’ Cultural Heritage Could Affect Corporate Performance

November 10, 2017
Business School research suggests cultural heritage can influence corporate profitability and success. Led by academics from University of Edinburgh Business School and The University of St Andrews, the study analysed the performance of banks directed by more than 600 US-born Chief Executive Officers who were children or grandchildren of immigrants. The study found leaders whose […]
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How Much Can a Power Cut Cost Your Business?

November 10, 2017
If the power bolts, do you have a back-up generator? You likely don’t. So what happens when your employees can’t work? The computers, lights, printer, fridge… all out. Below Nicola Bannister of Flogas, discusses the risk and cost your business faces when it comes to a power cut, investigating the costs of a power cut […]
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What Are Your Options For Secure and Safe Business Comms?

November 9, 2017
With so many existing - and upcoming - regulations that govern the way we handle sensitive information, there’s never been a better time to ensure that your company has a resilient infrastructure in place. Alex Tebbs, Founder of unified communications business VIA, explores with CEO Today your options for safe and secure business communications. Great […]
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The Voice Recognition Era: Is Your Business Prepared?

November 9, 2017
For the last two decades humans have interacted with computing technology predominantly using fingers, keyboard, mouse and screen in various combinations. We are however entering a new age of human computer interaction where voice becomes a key input. Here Stefan Bardega, CEO of global performance marketing agency iProspect, discusses how to best prepare for this new […]
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Leadership Isn’t Always About the CEO

November 8, 2017
When it comes to leadership, the likes of Weinstein and Donald Trump are often whose faces paint the papers with colour. However, it’s often the invisible leaders that make strides in leading their teams. The ability of a leader to take a back seat and let their team shine is a hard skill and it's all linked […]
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5 Things Businesses Should Consider Before Spending the Apprenticeship Levy

November 8, 2017
This year, the UK government’s newly introduced apprenticeship levy came in 1st may. However, surprisingly, according to official figures, the total apprenticeships started in May, June and July fell 61% compared to the previous year. Here Debbie Gardiner, CEO at Qube Learning, discusses the levy, how to make the most of it, and the benefits […]
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One in Five UK Workplaces Allow Pets in the Office

November 7, 2017
According to new research, one-fifth of British workplaces now allow employees to bring pets into the office, yet a similar proportion (22%) of workers have complained about the furry companions. The survey by online job board CV-Library found that when it comes to the personal effect of animals in the workplace, there is clear evidence of a […]
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Productivity Levels in Europe Linked to the Maturity of Talent Acquisition

November 7, 2017
A survey of 400 talent leaders in seven European countries has highlighted 42% of talent leaders think the shortage of specific skills is the biggest challenge within their talent acquisition strategy, which is affecting productivity and profit. 29% of talent leaders believe that the retention of new starters is their biggest challenge impacting productivity. 27% […]
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