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CEO Today

Hi, I'm Richard, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

What You Need to Know About Workplace Pensions Changes

August 14, 2017
CEO Today reached out to Anthony Morrow to discuss workplace pensions.
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Google CEO Slams Employee's Memo As 'Offensive'

August 14, 2017
The author of a controversial memo about women in tech was fired from Google. CNN Tech's Laurie Segall reports.
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5 Ways You Can Win at Fintech as a Young Director

August 11, 2017
Anna Tsyupko is the 24-year-old CEO of London-based FinTech company Paybase, and as a young fintech CEO, here lists 5 ways young directors can have a standing chance of winning the fintech game. My story is a rather unusual one in that for three years, before joining the company full-time, I had been representing the […]
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Are You Sick of City Congestion Slowing Down Your Business Logistics?

August 10, 2017
Getting your goods from A to B seems like a simple feat, but in reality, between time scheduling and traffic, the logistics do require some solutions. Stuart Miller, Co-founder and CEO of ByBox, below talks about the potential of lockers, just like Amazon’s, on a large scale for businesses. Congestion and carbon emissions are on […]
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5 Reasons Why Managing Risk Goes Beyond Tightening Rules

August 10, 2017
There is more to managing risk than ensuring external regulatory and compliance requirements are met. Indeed, a modern, fast-moving business faces risk every day. Alex Poppleton, Principal Consultant at Kotter International, here talks to CEO Today about the potential once compliance is no longer the pinnacle of every decision. There are simply too many variables […]
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Here’s Why a Reputation Mindset Matters Above All

August 9, 2017
Susan O’Leary, CEO of Alderney eGambling, talks to CEO Today on why regulation and licensing hold the key to the good reputation of industries and businesses. In business, as in life, a reputation can take years to build but seconds to lose. Integrity, transparency and customer confidence; they are badges we all desire to pin […]
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How Can AI Help Us Fight Cyber Crime?

August 9, 2017
How better to fight cybercrime than with today’s top cyber technology, AI; fighting fire with fire. Ross Brewer, Vice President and Managing Director at LogRhythm explains the ins and outs of artificial intelligence and the prospects it holds for the future of cyber security. Over the last few years the world has seen a steady […]
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5 Ways to Invest in Your Organisation’s Talent Without Breaking the Bank

August 8, 2017
The fight to retain top talent is tougher than ever and organisations need to look for alternative ways to differentiate themselves in a competitive marketplace, in an era where annual, inflation-only pay rises are becoming the norm. Here Paul Hutchinson, Head of Product at Sparks Grove and Founder of 360 feedback and talent managements start-up Culr, […]
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The 5 Best Ways to Keep Afloat at Work While You’re on Holiday

August 7, 2017
Learn five ways to both work and unwind while you’re away, for those who still need to put in a few hours on holiday. Jason Downes has over 20 years of business experience and has been Managing Director of conference call service Powwownow since 2013. Below he delves into the bets 5 ways to keep […]
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What Will Employee Wellbeing Really Cost You?

August 7, 2017
Wellness is not just about a person’s physical and mental wellbeing but also the contributing factors therein. Professional wellness covers job satisfaction, motivation, engagement, alignment, advocacy and performance. Lee Lomax, Co-Founder & CEO of Beem, explains for CEO Today below. According to the Office for National Statistics, the UK currently stands 20 percent below average […]
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7 Times Elon Musk Went Unhinged Genius

August 7, 2017
Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla and SpaceX) is a big ideas kind of guy. Hear his thoughts on artificial intelligence, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, SpaceX's Falcon heavy rocket and more in these seven genius worthy moments.
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Target's CEO: Don't Innovate Just for Innovation's Sake

August 7, 2017
Brian Cornell, CEO of Target, is making sure the company stays on track.
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