Social Impact Needs To Be a Company-wide Initiative

January 31, 2019
While most corporates and businesses have implemented a social impact strategy, many are typically incongruent with the company’s profitability and growth objectives and are often rendered obsolete. Effective social impact strategies need to be ingrained in the very fabric of a company’s corporate DNA, and not just a tick in the box. Companies are still […]
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Keeping the Best Young Talent Means Understanding Gen-Z Motivations

January 31, 2019
2018 was an auspicious year, the first when those born at the turn of the century reached adulthood. Generation Z, those in their late teens to mid-twenties, has grown up in a truly connected society and that’s had a profound impact on their outlook. These individuals have a very different sense of self and set […]
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Days Gone By: Executive Highlights from 2018

January 31, 2019
With 2018 behind us, it feels like so long ago that some of the year’s biggest stories have gone by and faded into obscurity—though some have had such a piercing impact that we still feel the rippling effect to this day. As we begin the new year, it’s time to look back over some of […]
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Design Means Business

January 31, 2019
Today, competition can seemingly come from any geography or sector, and customer loyalty can dissolve in a click. Given this rapidly changing landscape, smart corporate leaders are increasingly looking to design as a crucial source of differentiation. What exactly do we mean when we talk about “design?” Well, much like “analytics” and “big data,” design […]
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Taking a Risk and Starting Up Alone as a Female Entrepreneur

January 31, 2019
Becoming a leader in business Entrepreneurship gives women a great opportunity to pursue self-empowerment and excel on their own terms. However, starting a business is by no means an easy feat and requires dedication, hard work and preparation. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to achieving success, and for some, the dream of becoming your […]
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How To Introduce an Effective Flexible Working Policy

January 31, 2019
Flexible working is increasingly in demand. It’s high on the list of preferred benefits for many UK workers and something CEOs keen to improve employee retention and increase engagement in 2019 should consider. Research from XpertHR revealed that almost all organisations offer some sort of flexible working arrangements, such as variable start and finish times, […]
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5 Steps to Find the Right Investor for Your Business

January 31, 2019
Like it or not, money makes the world go ‘round. Businesses of all industries and sizes often rely on investors to bring home the bacon. It’s this all-important influx of cash that helps businesses scale smart over time.
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How Bill Gates Makes And Spends His Billions

January 29, 2019
Bill Gates is currently the world's second richest person with a net worth of over $93 billion. In 1975, childhood friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft and went on to create the operating system for IBM's first personal computer. Although Gates loves his luxury vehicles, he says his primary concerns are global warming […]
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Here’s How CEOs Can Implement a Successful Culture Transformation

January 29, 2019
The idea that the right culture to exist to allow the transformation of an organisation is nothing new.
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4 Mistakes Brand Builders Should Avoid

January 28, 2019
It's very easy to make mistakes as a business, and if you're building your brand from scratch, there are some obvious mistakes to avoid.
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6 Things to Know as a First Time CEO

January 24, 2019
CEOs are dropping like flies these days. From scandals to poor management, there’s always a door opening for a new CEO, so how can you, a potential first time CEO, get one step ahead of your competitors?
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How To Hire a PR Firm and What to Look Out for

January 23, 2019
The abundance of digital and social media has created a golden opportunity for brands to deliver highly relevant and targeted messages to their audiences around the clock and at speed.
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