Do You Have the Skills to Navigate Businesses Through Digital Transformation?

January 23, 2019
Technology is a powerful enabler, but leaders need closer guidance in bringing about the business and cultural changes required to make digital transformation a success
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5 Quick and Simple Ways to Increase B2B Leads Via Twitter

January 22, 2019
While social media platforms form an integral element of many marketing and sales strategies, Twitter is sometimes considered to be the poor relation.
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A Quarter of Businesses Lack Forward Momentum, But Why?

January 15, 2019
Marketers surveyed for a new report that reveals how businesses lose their way – and how they can find it again.
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Here’s Why Impact Investment Will Produce Better Companies

January 15, 2019
There is mounting pressure for listed businesses to be more transparent in their practices.
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When Budget Season Ends, What-If Season Begins

January 11, 2019
CFOs that have spent the past 6 months building a financial plan will need to shift focus to what-if planning come the end of January.
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Can CEOs Solve the Brexit Blunder?

January 9, 2019
With the twists and turns of the political landscape, providing an opener for the dramas to come in Westminster in 2019, it came as no surprise that Ipsos Mori’s annual ranking of the most and least trusted professions placed politicians at the bottom of the list.
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Key eCommerce Trends for 2019

January 9, 2019
Global ecommerce sales will reach £3.5 trillion by 2021. There’s a lot of money to be made. There are even more customers to engage with.
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What’s Next for 2019? 6 Tech & Innovation Trends

January 8, 2019
Below, Lucie Greene, Director of JWT, introduces the firm’s 2019 innovation report, which covers several upcoming trends for the year.
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Influencer Marketing in 2019: How Brands Can Stay Ahead of the Curve

January 7, 2019
Unless you have worked remotely with no internet access, you will have definitely seen the buzzword “influencer marketing” in the past year.
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The Top 10 Lessons Businesses Learned from 2018

December 19, 2018
This year the advancement of the digital world has accelerated with record speed and we have seen phenomenal interest in companies embracing not only the technology but also the culture and ethos that goes hand in hand with digital transformation.
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India Wants to Buy. Are You Ready to Sell?

December 19, 2018
Are you in India yet? If you aren’t, you should be. India’s e-commerce growth is astonishing.
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How Open Data can Address World Hunger

December 18, 2018
Why the Agricultural Sector Needs to be at the Centre of Governmental Plans as we Move Swiftly Towards a Digital Economy Today, approximately 795 million people across the globe do not have access to enough food to live a healthy and sustainable life. The majority of these people live in underdeveloped countries, with Asia and […]
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