Technology is a powerful enabler, but leaders need closer guidance in bringing about the business and cultural changes required to make digital transformation a success
With the twists and turns of the political landscape, providing an opener for the dramas to come in Westminster in 2019, it came as no surprise that Ipsos Mori’s annual ranking of the most and least trusted professions placed politicians at the bottom of the list.
This year the advancement of the digital world has accelerated with record speed and we have seen phenomenal interest in companies embracing not only the technology but also the culture and ethos that goes hand in hand with digital transformation.
Why the Agricultural Sector Needs to be at the Centre of Governmental Plans as we Move Swiftly Towards a Digital Economy Today, approximately 795 million people across the globe do not have access to enough food to live a healthy and sustainable life. The majority of these people live in underdeveloped countries, with Asia and […]
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