How Processes Took Me From An 80-Hour To A 14-Hour Workweek

July 27, 2021
Alister Esam, innovator, investor and CEO, explains how he was able to transform both his old company and his life through developing and applying processes. As the ultimate driver of high standards, inevitably you’re drawn into correcting and spotting little things day-to-day. You probably set reminders to check up on the jobs you want to […]
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Back To The Office? 10 Books To Help CEOs Thrive In The New World Of Work

July 27, 2021
The past 18 months have forced countless organisations around the world to change the way they work day-to-day, and for many, it seems the workplace as we once knew it has been transformed forever. So, as lockdown restrictions begin to lift in some countries, there is some debate about whether teams really should return to […]
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Plugging The Digital Skills Gap To Maintain An Effective Supply Chain

July 26, 2021
Simon Whatson, Vice President of Efficio Consulting, explains why teams must arm themselves with as much knowledge and skills as possible.  Procurement has become something of a conundrum over the past 18 months. Amidst organisations’ pre-existing transformation efforts to capitalise on globalisation and digitisation, the world suddenly became a lot smaller. For businesses in the […]
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Rebuilding Your Company Credit Score In The Wake Of The Pandemic

July 23, 2021
Lynne Darcey-Quigley, CEO and founder of Know-it, shares six tips for rebuilding your company's credit score in the wake of the pandemic. Post-pandemic financial management is likely to include an element of rebuilding for the vast majority of businesses – regardless of size. For many, this will mean rebuilding their credit score over the coming […]
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Steve Jobs’ First Ever Job Application Is Up For Auction As An NFT

July 23, 2021
The page-long application was written by Jobs after he dropped out of Reed College, three years before he co-founded Apple in 1976 alongside Steve Wozniak. The application says he was interested in electronics tech or design engineer positions, although doesn’t list a particular position or the company. Jobs’ listed his skills as computer and calculator […]
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Female-led Businesses Receive Less Funding Than Male-led Businesses – Here’s How We Change It

July 20, 2021
Jessica Robinson, a leading expert on sustainable finance and responsible investing, explores the directed steps needed to redress the gender funding imbalance in business. Females founders just don’t get the cash Women-led companies just don’t get the same kind of cash as their male counterparts – and this massive funding gap is a global phenomenon. […]
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Listening Across Your Whole Organisation

July 19, 2021
Leadership communication expert Janie Van Hool explains the importance of listening as a business leader.  It’s 09.00hrs on a Thursday morning and I arrive at the reception of a well-known bank for my conference presentation coaching session with the CEO. Passing the time as I wait to be called up to the executive floor, I […]
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Business Leadership Lessons From Gareth Southgate

July 16, 2021
In the wake of the Euros final result, Paul Hargreaves, explains the leadership lessons that can be learnt from England manager Gareth Southgate.  No matter how his players perform, Southgate rarely shows disappointment and puts compassion at the forefront of his leadership style. He has been praised for his leadership throughout the Euros, and there […]
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Nik Storonsky Set To Join Billionaire Club As Revolut Becomes The UK’s Most Valuable Fintech

July 16, 2021
Revolut is now the UK’s most valuable fintech firm ever, making co-founder Storonsky, who owns more than 20% of the company, a paper billionaire several times over. His net worth is estimated to sit around the $7 billion mark, up from $1.1 billion not long over a year ago in March 2020. Over the past […]
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Rise Above: 5 Lessons From The RAF That Will Make Your Leadership Fly

July 15, 2021
Dr John Jupp shares 5 key lessons that business leaders can learn from the RAF. The RAF has been a successful organisation for more than 100 years. That success was based on great leadership from Lord Trenchard, the founder of the RAF and its first Chief. Its success continues to this day because of its […]
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How Remote Work Aids Disability Inclusion

July 15, 2021
Chris Dyer, founder and CEO of PeopleG2, explains how remote working supports disability inclusion whilst simultaneously boosting your businesses' potential for success. Tap into new talent pools Adopting a remote work model offers employers a greatly increased talent pool to draw from, a significant advantage in today's ultra-competitive labour market. Not only can you consider […]
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What Are The 14 Leadership Principles That Drove Amazon To Success?

July 15, 2021
With an approximate net worth of $314.9 billion, Amazon is one of the most powerful companies in the world. Within just two decades, the business grew from being a Seattle garage bookstore to a major stockist of almost every product imaginable. In 2020, Amazon's performance rocketed even further, with annual revenues up to 38% to […]
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