What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. One hand washes another. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. The notion of mutual benefits is part of our lexicon for a very good reason: There’s a lot of truth in it.
With climate change high on the news agenda, and reports showing that there has been a 53% reduction in single use plastic in the last year, we are more mindful of our energy consumption and contribution to the carbon footprint than ever before. But what steps are UK businesses taking to become more eco-friendly?
Within the past decade the workplace as we knew it, is no more. Driven by evolving technology and the need for workplaces to become more digital, organisations are placing collaboration at the heart of their businesses.
Forward-thinking CEOs understand one thing that others don’t, creating a vibrant employee experience is the number one contributor to organisational success.
Working in an organised, clean, and tidy place can really help promote productivity. It makes finding what you need easier and ensures that you don’t waste time looking for that important document.
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