How Businesses Can Learn From the World of Sport

March 29, 2019
Paul Parker is an Expert Partner at PerformanceWorks International and former England footballer. Below, Paul discusses the ways in which businesses can learn from sport, calling from his own years of experience.   Having a career in professional sport taught me a lot about the processes behind building a strong organisation and making sure everyone feels […]
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The Power of Storytelling in a Data-driven World

March 29, 2019
We all love a good story. A narrative that draws us in, intrigues us and builds to a satisfying conclusion. Stories have the power to capture our attention and imagination and transform our thinking, almost without our realising that it’s happening. They cut through the confusion and stay with us, improving our ability to retain […]
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Acts of Kindness that Humanise the CEO

March 29, 2019
At times, it can feel like the CEO and the company they run are one and the same. The CEO title becomes synonymous with the idea of corporate ideals, profit margins, daily proceedings and the success that is continuously sought after. An employee and other staff members might go their whole lives without meeting the […]
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Learning From the Winners: Common Factors Among FutureBrand Index High-flyers

March 29, 2019
The retirement of Keith Weed, Unilever’s Chief Marketing Officer, is interesting. A textbook all-rounder, Weed always understood the importance of brand purpose, sustainability, and diversity and inclusion. Crucially, he also knew these priorities had to run through the heart of Unilever, not just act as headlines for its marketing efforts. The difference between the best […]
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Future-Proofing Your Brand in the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’

March 29, 2019
This year’s World Economic Forum in Davos focused on the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ – a new era of emergent technologies like 5G, AI and connected devices that are already changing our lives. This technology offers risk and reward for businesses in all sectors. Effective and early adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), for example, is already […]
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What is Self-Made?

March 29, 2019
Over the past few months, the definition of self-made has been fairly misconstrued by the general populous, on the back of notable media, celebrity and financial claims; perhaps the most prominent of these being Forbes’ listing of Kylie Jenner as America’s youngest self-made billionaire. Though not the only criteria for said listing, the term ‘self-made’ […]
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Five Ways to Find Out What Your Customers Really Think

March 29, 2019
1.4 million people left the big six utilities between June 2017 and June 2018. For the most part, they left for smaller challenger firms. The reason? Switching to better tariffs certainly, but not solely. For many people, it’s the customer experience – in fact in the January 2018 Which? customer satisfaction survey, the Big Six […]
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6 Tips for Operating in Different Countries Around the World

March 29, 2019
Taking your business sin to the unknown is scary, and even more so when you know you are unprepared for what’s ahead.
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Investors Overwhelmingly Drawn to IFISAs and Higher Interest Rates

March 26, 2019
Almost half of Assetz Capital investors are planning to put the majority of their ISA investment in Innovative Finance ISAs (IFISA) this ISA season, according to the peer-to-peer business lender’s Q1 Investor Barometer. 
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5 ‘Self-Made’ Entrepreneurs Born This Millennium

March 25, 2019
Children are naturally creative, but these entrepreneurs capitalised on their ideas by creating huge businesses from scratch.
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How You Can Save Company Money with Workplace Safety

March 20, 2019
In 2017/18, there were 3.9 million working days lost as a result of 71,062 workers suffering a non-fatal injury at work. The cost financially in 2016/17 came to £5.2 billion. The widespread impact of work accidents is clear. 
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Raising Business Finance: The Common Misconceptions

March 14, 2019
Successfully raising finance is not as easy as it might seem.
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