Raising the CEOs of Tomorrow: The Challenges and Opportunities

February 28, 2019
We live in disruptive and fast paced times, how we work and how businesses operate have been revolutionised by digital technology. No business can – nor indeed should – avoid the implications, challenges and opportunities that come with embracing digital transformation.
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3 Pieces of Advice for New Non-Executive Directors

February 26, 2019
The desired attributes and expectations of a non-executive director (NED) are various, and can often depend on factors such as sector or size of business.
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What Are the Best Ways to Market Your Business?

February 26, 2019
Successful businesses depend on hugely successful marketing strategies. Getting your business recognised is a key part of getting your business up and running, as well as helping it grow.
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Over Half of Global Executives Not Confident in Identifying Financial Data Inaccuracies

February 25, 2019
With nearly 70% of global business leaders and finance professionals claiming their organization has made a significant business decision based on inaccurate financial data.
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What Kind of Value Generator is Your Company?

February 22, 2019
The question often posed to the software industry is how do privately owned software companies achieve high valuations whilst simultaneously loosing huge sums of money?
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How Do I Ensure a Smooth Transition Going to Tender?

February 19, 2019
For many businesses, putting IT or other third-party services out to tender can be a minefield.
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How Close Are We to the Age of the Nomad CEO?

February 15, 2019
Not only can workers do their jobs from home, but it is now possible to run an entire company remotely.
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What’s Your Brand Personality?

February 14, 2019
How you would describe the personality of a friend is no different than how you would describe a business, by a unique set of characteristics.
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3 Keys to Embracing High-Risk Leadership Opportunities

February 13, 2019
Stepping into the chief executive officer role for the first time has been described as “exhilarating,” “humbling,” and “like starring into an abyss” by leadership veterans.
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Elon Musk: At the Crossroads Between Success and Failure

February 7, 2019
What are a CEO’s words worth? In the case of Elon Musk’s tweet on August 7th, 2018 they’re worth about $4.4 million each. Elon Musk jolted financial markets by tweeting, “Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.”
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Here’s How 6 Top Brands Have Succeeded in Engaging Teens

February 6, 2019
In recent years, consumers have been far more vocal about the need for brands to take a duty of care towards them.
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Hiring A CEO: How Does It Work?

January 31, 2019
Hiring a CEO is a big task. Finding the perfect candidate to lead a business takes a lot of work and requires a thorough and robust recruitment process in order to get it right. Whilst many organisations work with recruitment agencies to help find candidates, a more prudent approach to ensure the best possible candidates […]
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