CEO Life

CEO Life is where we explore the personal habits and daily routines of the world’s most successful executives. This section highlights how top CEOs balance work, leadership, and personal well-being. From productivity hacks and fitness routines to time management strategies and insights into how they stay on top of their game, CEO Life offers a glimpse into the practices that help these leaders thrive both professionally and personally.

Apple Is Making Employees Take a Stand, Should You Do the Same?

July 12, 2018
When the Apple CEO speaks, people tend to listen, so it was great to hear Tim Cook announce last week that each of the 12,000 employees at the Cupertino state-of-the-art HQ would be given a standing desk, both as a perk to attract and retain their top talent, and also as a means for employees […]
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The Top 5 Workspace Efficiency Hacks of 2018

June 29, 2018
The office has for decades been a term recognised as associated with monotonous workflow and repetitive screen dwelling. However, today’s offices are often far from that; from games rooms to community lounges and kitchens, a workplace can also be a pleasurable, efficient living space. After all, we spend most of our life at work, so […]
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48 Hours in Luxury Madrid

June 21, 2018
With increasingly busy jobs and lifestyles, squeezing in a week or so for a holiday sometimes just isn’t doable. But for some quick sun, sightseeing and sangria, Madrid has everything you’re looking for, perfect for a stylist city break in luxury. After a short and very comfortable flight from Edinburgh to Madrid on EasyJet, the […]
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Here’s 6 of the World’s Most Extravagant Gardens

June 7, 2018
Seeing new places and travelling the world is the dream for many Brits. But where can you visit new and unusual landscapes? In the UK, the average garden is 50ft. long with ten different kinds of flowers, a barbecue and a water feature — according to a report by Foxtons, an estate agent. Although this […]
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Do You Suspect Your Employees Are Using Drugs?

June 1, 2018
New research suggests that more than one in ten workers across the UK have suspected a colleague of taking illegal drugs. This figure rises to 24% in London – almost twice the national average, while at 6% those surveyed in the North-East appeared to be far less suspicious of their colleagues. The research, commissioned by […]
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Here’s What Top Management Can Learn About Mental Health from Millennials

May 18, 2018
Staff rarely feel sorry for their line managers, so employees will be shocked to learn that the forgotten generation when it comes to looking after their wellbeing and taking active steps to protect their mental health are those in mid-ranking or senior managerial positions & partners in professional services firms. Michelle Chance, Partner and Head […]
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Build Your Company with the Two Greatest Human Motivators in Mind

March 21, 2018
Do your employees wake up every morning excited to come to work? Or do they get out of bed begrudgingly and run out the clock? Odds are, it’s the latter. Below CEO Today hears from Craig Kielburger, Holly Branson and Marc Kielburger, authors of WEconomy: You Can Find Meaning, Make a Living, and Change the […]
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Is It Best to Abolish the Clean Desk Policy in Your Office?

March 19, 2018
Kit Out My Office believes that offices throughout the country should stop operating a clean desk policy, as experts believe it can hamper creativity. According to a study by the Association for Psychological Science, a clean office can actually stifle creativity. Psychological scientist Kathleen Vohs, who undertook the study said: “Our study found that disorderly […]
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How Is Life Different for Billionaires?

March 12, 2018
What do billionaires do differently then average people? What is a life of a billionaire like? Do you do anything similar to what they do?
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Managing Stress, The CEO Way

February 28, 2018
Stress is an issue that can have a tremendous effect on all of us from time to time. From work to any everyday problems we run into in our personal life, it’s inescapable—and even those who have achieved great success can feel the weight of stress’ impact on their shoulders. What can a CEO do […]
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How to Stop Jet Lag Grounding Your Business Trip

February 27, 2018
You travel almost daily for business trips. Your air miles are littered across your hotel room, the only place you really find rest. A business lifestyle needn’t be as draining. Below CEO Today hears from Touchnote CEO, Oded Ran, on the top tips for preventing and dealing with jetlag. If you’re flying east for more than […]
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Thinking of Leaving a Corporate Career to Go Into Social Good?

February 15, 2018
Job fulfillment varies for different individuals; some measure success through their payslip, others their job title and others through the difference they make in people’s lives. If you’re feeling unfulfilled in your role, now is always the perfect time to take a leap of faith and move into social good. Below John Ramsay, CEO of Shift8, […]
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CEO Today Online and CEO Today magazine are dedicated to providing CEOs and C-level executives with the latest corporate developments, business news and technological innovations.
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