The end of the year provides the perfect time for reflection and planning. For many busy CEOs, it is also an opportunity to spend some invaluable downtime with loved ones, enjoy hobbies or just indulge in some rest and relaxation with a good book. Here we have put together our recommended list of excellent new […]
Aurelio Maruggi, Chief Executive Officer at Apogee Corporation, explains why it’s vital for businesses to prepare their environments now to appeal to the workforce of tomorrow. News of the office’s demise has proven greatly exaggerated. In fact, Covid has only accelerated its potential as an innovative, open space for collaboration across hybrid working environments. Employees […]
Phil Perry, Head of UK & Ireland at Zoom, speaks to CEO Today about the benefits that flexible working can bring to a business. In September, the Government announced plans to give UK workers the right to request flexible working from day one of a new job. The proposed legislation feeds into people’s growing desire […]
Danni Rush, Chief Operating Officer at Virgin Incentives and Virgin Experience Days, takes a look at how businesses can engage both remote-based and office-based employees this festive season. 2021 will go down in the history books as a year of transition. The UK emerged from the pandemic, vaccinated nearly 70% of the population against COVID-19, […]
In 2018, I gave a talk at a Chamber of Commerce event in Worcestershire about business leaders needing to give thought to others in the world regarding their environmental decision-making policies, and the need for us to realise that all humans are interconnected. One of my slides was a picture of around 100 Bangladeshis wading through waist-deep water, having been flooded out of their homes […] is a pioneer in transforming the smartphone camera into a clinical-grade medical device. The company was established in 2013 by Yonatan Adiri, the former Chief Technology Officer for the president of Israel, Shimon Peres
Covid pushed operations into the limelight, but what does the future hold? Dale Smith, Operations Director at The Frameworks, explores the question. The pandemic has thrown the structure of working life completely out of shape. Since the many lockdowns forced companies to adopt remote working overnight, the pressures on operation teams are greater than ever […]
IRIS, leaders in the international HR space, offer crucial understandings on how employers need to change the approaches that have led to biased burnouts. Workplace experiences vary greatly for minorities. The emerging “occupational phenomenon” known as burnout, which was identified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of […]
Joe Ashford, founder and non-executive chairman of consultancy firm K4 Global, speaks to CEO Today about his company, mental health, and offers his advice to prospective entrepreneurs. 1. You are the founder of K4 Global, an investment company with a portfolio of businesses in the property, services, motoring, sport, and technology sectors. Tell us more […]
UK job vacancies have soared to an all-time high, with employees changing jobs or leaving the workforce completely in their droves. Do you want smart people to stay? Then make them feel safe. Keeping employees feeling safe is much more than running the monthly fire drill. What employees are seeking is psychological safety, a term […]
Steve Butler, CEO of Punter Southall Aspire, shares his experience of building an inclusive workplace. Within my own organisation, we have been on a journey of trial and effort over recent years. It is safe to say we still have a long way to go, and the diversity statistics do not tell the story I […]
When you encounter an upsetting or difficult situation at work and someone says, “just let it go,” that can be much easier said than done. Our egos are habitually accustomed to holding onto things and some may argue that ruminating in the unpleasantness of a situation can almost feel good. The truth is the best […]
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