3 Unexpected Ways CEOs Can Do More to Address Sustainability in 2023

February 28, 2023
However, in the past eighteen months, the pendulum has swung. Sustainable investment funds - in part due to surging energy prices – underperformed, and sustainability became an unlikely political football. Meanwhile, some US Republican lawmakers criticised woke ideology and sustainable investing. With increasingly vocal activists at the other extreme, the debate has appeared to become […]
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5 Ways Leaders Can Support Staff Mental Health During Economic Uncertainty

February 28, 2023
In times of economic uncertainty, many aspects of our lives that previously felt calm and secure can suddenly become sources of stress and concern. One such aspect is our income stream, which can increasingly be at the forefront of our minds, leading to unwanted feelings of worry.
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The Odissean Experience: Success Redefined

February 28, 2023
Today’s world teaches us that in order to be happy, we need to work hard and be successful. In the Western part of the world, we dedicate most of our time on Earth to work, hoping that the more successful we are in the office, the happier we will feel. But as Thomas Merton puts it: “People may spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success, only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.”
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Would Healing Revolutionised

February 28, 2023
We speak with Mike Nagel, President and CEO of Vomaris Innovations, Inc., about his company and how it revolutionises infection control and wound healing.
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Inside GEO- MIK: The Story of Launching and Growing a Startup in Africa

February 28, 2023
We speak with Moses Banduga, Executive Director of GEO-MIK, about growing up as an underprivileged child in Africa and launching a business there.
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Musk Has Donated Nearly $2bn of Tesla Shares to Charity

February 15, 2023
Last year, Elon Musk made a charitable donation of approximately $1.95 billion worth of shares in his electric car company.
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The Cult of the CEO

January 31, 2023
Using Elon Musk as a textbook, we discuss why celebrity CEOs exhibit terrible governance policies. The key to corporate success is good corporate governance. Any CEO worth their salt is a humble leader with eager, engaged, and educated critics at board level to keep decisions in check. Inversely, ego, inexperience and unwavering control are red […]
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What Can Leaders Learn from the Challenges of 2022?

January 31, 2023
The leadership challenges that arrived with 2022 were profound, highlighting several trends and bringing with it several vital lessons. From eye-watering inflation and interest rates to intense recruitment and supply chain problems, disasters induced by climate change, political instability, economic recession and war, there’s no denying that 2022 has been a year like no other. Taken together with the transformational experience of COVID, these issues have started searing themselves into the psyche, mindset and behaviour of customers, employees, stakeholders and societies more widely – with major implications for organisations and leaders.
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5 Things Leaders Can’t Ignore in 2023

January 31, 2023
While delivering profitable growth remains the key element of leading an organisation, it’s also no longer enough on its own. The world is changing, and throwing up ever more disruption, and leaders can’t get away with sitting in their little boxes. Customers, employees and shareholders are calling out leaders and organisations to serve something greater […]
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CEO Predictions for 2023

January 31, 2023
2022 was a unique year for business in many ways, with continuing uncertainty that makes 2023 difficult to predict. However, with factors such as rising energy costs and the cost-of-living crisis looking as if they are here to stay, it is important to consider a wide range of elements within the business landscape as we head further into the year.
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HR in 2023: Anticipating and Overcoming the Challenges Ahead

January 31, 2023
As we enter 2023, the importance of employee well-being and the ‘human touch’ in the workplace is expected to continue to grow in significance. With a changing economy and shifting workforce expectations, HR departments must proactively address various challenges and opportunities. From managing employee well-being to investing in learning and development, HR will be crucial in attracting and retaining top talent.
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How Meetings are Stealing Valuable Time & Tips on Making Them More Productive

January 31, 2023
Meetings are here to stay, whether we want to agree with the term or not, each year we’re spending more and more of our working day attending meetings. What’s even worse is how unproductive these meetings tend to be.
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