Mission “Serve the Community”

January 31, 2023
We speak with Carolyn Chrisman - the Executive Director of the Kirksville Regional Economic Development, Inc (K-REDI) and Missouri Rural Enterprise and Innovation Center (MREIC), as well as the Center Director for the Kirksville Small Business Development Center.
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Choppy Waters Ahead: CEOs with Visibility Across All Operations Will Sail to Success in 2023

January 31, 2023
Next-generation integrated business planning that empowers leaders and their teams by providing real-time data to improve decision-making is essential to triumph this year and beyond.
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The Ultimate Morning Zen Ritual to Follow for A Confident & Calm Start

January 31, 2023
Do you know what the old Japanese warriors and baseball players have in common? Before they go out to battle/competition, they have their own rituals. Now, if we as CEOs and decision-makers see every day of our lives as a battle, a competition, or a journey that we should feel like winning then why don’t we prepare for it with a nice ritual?
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Classic Cars Could be a Go-To Investment Over Houses

January 24, 2023
Classic cars under £50,000 are revealed to be the most profitable investment compared to property, gold and stocks.
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Jack Ma Gives Up Control of Ant Group

January 9, 2023
The billionaire founder of the FinTech Giant Ant Group, Jack Ma, will give up control of the company following a regulatory crackdown. 
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Leadership Lessons from Rishi Sunak: How Can Leaders Restore Organisations in Turmoil?

December 20, 2022
Following former Prime Minister Liz Truss’ swift exit from 10 Downing Street, all eyes are now on new Tory leader Rishi Sunak to restore his party and lead the United Kingdom out of an economic crisis. A party described as ‘ungovernable’, a strong pointing finger from the opposition, and anger from the British public, Sunak […]
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Dealing with Stress & The Art of Mindfulness

December 20, 2022
The practice of mindfulness and emotional cultivation is a proven cure for people who are on the verge of burnout. It offers a durable means by which business leaders can not only alleviate their experienced levels of stress and psychological suffering but also colour their broader lives with indelible happiness and real meaning. Mindfulness is […]
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Leadership Resolutions for 2023

December 19, 2022
As we close the book on 2022, it's time to start looking ahead to the new year and setting goals for ourselves as leaders. 2023 presents a unique opportunity for growth and development and making a few resolutions can help us make the most of it. By making a commitment to these goals, you can become a better leader and help your team achieve even greater success. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new manager, these resolutions are designed to help you take your leadership skills to the next level in 2023.
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Business Lessons from the 2022 World Cup

December 19, 2022
The business world often struggles to keep up with the pace of change. In an economic climate that is squeezing budgets and damaging morale, innovative business leaders would do well to look beyond the traditional spheres towards sport to seek out that winning edge. The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 has provided many transferable lessons […]
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Business Transformation: Is the Festive Period Perfect for Planning?

December 19, 2022
One phenomenon that connects people across UK sectors is the dip in productivity as businesses prepare to enter the festive season. While most quieter business periods, such as the end of December, often mean higher numbers of employees taking annual leave, the festive period is the perfect time for businesses to start planning transformation projects, rather than downing tools altogether.
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How to Raise Funds and Stay Afloat in Difficult Economic Times

December 19, 2022
What do Slack, Venmo, Mailchimp, DuckDuckGo, Square, Asana and Airbnb have in common? All of these now global technology companies were started in 2008 and 2009 in the middle of the great financial crisis
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Inflation Nation: How Can Businesses Cut Energy Costs?

December 19, 2022
But as much of the workforce split their time between the office and home, it’s not a simple case of installing more energy-saving lightbulbs and solar panels anymore.  Sure, many could drastically cut their tech stack, such as moving from on-premise to the Cloud, but employees still need the tools to do their jobs. Waging […]
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