Super Musk: Risk, Reward and the Celebrity CEO

June 30, 2021
Leaders of major companies inevitably become famous, becoming aspirational figures beyond their domain. But that’s not the same as celebrity in the sense of public prominence way beyond what follows from doing their job: rockstar antics, glorying in attention, playful exhibitionism in social media, a sense of glamour as much as achievement. So we have […]
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Benedetto Vigna and Ferrari — The Beginning of a Success Story or a Catastrophe in the Making?

June 30, 2021
Benedetto Vigna will join the sports car powerhouse in Maranello coming from STMicroelecronics, the French-Italian semiconductor manufacturer headquartered in Geneva. Vigna, a physicist by training, rose through the ranks at STMicroelectronics by establishing the business on micromechanical systems, then going on to broader responsibilities and currently leading STMicroelectronics’ most profitable operating business which is a […]
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Why Successful Entrepreneurs Are Often Such Difficult People

June 30, 2021
Successful entrepreneurs are frequently nonconformists. They swim against the current and are often perceived as difficult by others. Even as young people, many of them had problems bowing and scraping to authority figures. Entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were able to captivate, motivate and inspire their employees. In this respect, they fit […]
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VAHA - Your Interactive Home Gym

June 30, 2021
To hear all about VAHA, the interactive fitness mirror, we caught up with the company’s founder and CEO Valerie Bures-Bönström. VAHA acts as a virtual personal trainer streamed directly into people’s homes, with hundreds of new workouts every week catering for every training goal and exercise. All workouts are digitally accessible and have been developed by […]
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“Why I’m a Sucker for a Champion!”

June 30, 2021
This admiration embedded itself throughout my own career and from seeing at close quarters some great leaders in my industry. For example, my first boss in investment banking was sharp and seriously challenging. His management style was very direct but fair, and he rewarded his team when they surpassed expectations. These same traits were attributed […]
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Is a 4-Day Working Week the Answer to Improving Mental Health?

June 30, 2021
The Health Foundation has reported that 63% of adults are not only more worried and anxious about the return to work over the coming weeks, but what’s to come in the future. This is a direct result of the pandemic; our society is clearly in need of a remedy to help combat the mental health crisis […]
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2020 Was Ella’s Kitchen’s Slowest Year in a Decade but its CEO Couldn’t Be Prouder

June 30, 2021
2020 was a year of global tragedy. How did the pandemic affect Ella’s Kitchen? Indeed, 2020 was a difficult year and at Ella’s Kitchen, we all suffered a great personal loss, tragically losing our Managing Director just as the pandemic began to take hold. It was so unprecedented and I knew I had to prioritise […]
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Prevention is Better Than Cure

June 30, 2021
Mr Zine earned an M.Sc. in financial engineering from the University of Montreal, Ecole des Hautes Études Commerciales, in 1996, after he was awarded a scholarship in 1994 from the Canadian Government to continue his graduate studies. He began his career at the Royal Bank of Canada where he worked on several strategic projects, including […]
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The 5 Biggest Companies with LGBTQ+ CEOs

June 30, 2021
To celebrate Pride Month this year, we take a look at the five companies across the globe that share two similarities – big revenues and an LGBTQ+ CEO at the helm.
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Should Your Company Be Spending More On Artificial Intelligence?

June 24, 2021
For some businesses, the covid-19 pandemic quickly pulled the brakes on AI projects as funds plummeted and customer demands altered or, in unfortunate cases, even vanished altogether. However, for those businesses lucky enough to be thriving throughout the pandemic instead of surviving, significantly larger AI budgets have become a sharp point of focus. According to […]
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Eynat Guez, CEO of Papaya Global, Facilitating a Remote Workforce with a Global Payroll Solution

June 1, 2021
We sit down with Eynat Guez, CEO of Papaya Global for an exclusive interview about leading one of the world's most successful payroll companies and most talked about Unicorns worldwide.
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Acute Care Telemedicine – Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

May 28, 2021
In what ways has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your operations? I think COVID-19 created an absolute market change. Many people personally experienced using some form of telemedicine during the pandemic if they hadn’t tried it out already. However, as it related to SOC Telemed in the hospital space, we still experienced headwinds. Hospitals were overcrowded. […]
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