For the last two decades humans have interacted with computing technology predominantly using fingers, keyboard, mouse and screen in various combinations. We are however entering a new age of human computer interaction where voice becomes a key input. Here Stefan Bardega, CEO of global performance marketing agency iProspect, discusses how to best prepare for this new […]
To be outstanding, managers need a framework that will successfully influence others opinion, and a successful manager will ensure that they follow this framework repeatedly. Below Margo Manning, a leadership coach and author of The Step Up Mindset for New Managers, lists for CEO Today five key traits that any successful manager will portray on a regular basis: […]
Below Kendall Langford, General Counsel and Senior Partner at Patron Capital, discusses the question: If the argument for diversity has been proven, why is it not working for women in finance? The views and comments expressed below relate to fund finance. I do not purport to have all the data, but the evidence is clear: […]
Efficiency is in constant evolution within a business, and it starts at the top. Below Paul Bennett CEng, IoD CDir, Executive Chairman, lists CEO Today with 5 ways directors and company leaders can improve their overall efficiency. Company directors routinely feel distracted and diverted from their highest priority tasks, which prevents them from achieving the […]
Here Carolyn Pepper and Roch Glowacki of Reed Smith, discuss with CEO Today the considerations to make and the steps to take when it comes to fake news, propaganda and the spreading of hoax stories regarding their brand, company or organization. Fake news, it seems, is everywhere: on our social media accounts, online, in political […]
So you get to the office and you discover your business’ desktops have been breached, hacked or are under third party control; what do you do? Here Emma Roe, Partner and Head of Commercial at Shulmans LLP discusses with CEO Today the law and regulations that should guide you to towards the correct and most […]
Looking for an investor is a time-consuming process often compared to the task of finding your life partner - you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince. Here Rajiv Nathwani, Founder and Director of Quivira Capital, talks CEO Today through the process of choosing an investor. With so many institutions and […]
Communication is key. You’ve heard it a million times, but do you actually put that into action? You likely find that often you walk away from a conversation unsure of how you just dealt with it. Maybe the outcome of the conversation is the polar opposite of what you expected or aimed for, maybe you […]
According to a recent survey conducted by Flavour Boss, they had found 80% of people don’t think it’s fair that smokers get breaks but non-smokers don’t whilst 58% of people think that non-smokers should get regular fresh-air breaks at work. While smokers could argue five minutes here and there doesn’t make much difference to the […]
You’re probably here because you think you don’t know what metadata is or how it is used, but in fact you’ve probably used it every single day. Here Dean Sappey, the President and Co-Founder of DocsCorp, delves into the ins and outs of metadata, including the best uses and risks behind it too. Now don’t […]
Getting yourself ready for a big move is always crucial for successful integration, so what do you need to prepare for when joining the board of a firm? Below, Ian Dormer, Ian Dormer CBE, IoD Chartered Director, and Managing Director at Rosh Engineering Ltd, talks CEO Today through his own experience joining a board, and […]
Time is money. You’ve heard it a million times before, so why are you still getting your PA to book a flight? Private jetting is the way forward, and here Stratajet talks CEO Today through the latest innovations in private travel booking. The turn of the millennium saw a revolution in commercial air travel as […]
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