Rosetta Stone: Ignore Investment in Digital Skills; Risk Being Left Behind

August 15, 2017
Businesses of all sizes are being forced to adapt fast to changing markets and evolving customer needs. One way to do this is through staff training. Here Panos Kraniotis, Regional Director of Europe at Rosetta Stone discusses the need for upskilling and digital readiness in the face of evolving markets. Keeping staff skills up-to-date is […]
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The 5 Best Ways to Keep Afloat at Work While You’re on Holiday

August 7, 2017
Learn five ways to both work and unwind while you’re away, for those who still need to put in a few hours on holiday. Jason Downes has over 20 years of business experience and has been Managing Director of conference call service Powwownow since 2013. Below he delves into the bets 5 ways to keep […]
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3 Reasons Even the Strongest Leaders Will Always be Fallible

August 3, 2017
People place a large amount of trust in their leaders- whether elected officials or corporate bosses. These leaders are trusted to make decisions which can have far-reaching consequences; whether for its country, company or organisation. Whilst leaders are deemed to be the best person for the job- with the necessary experience, understanding and competence, they […]
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Is it the Law to Be Diverse and Inclusive as a Business Owner?

July 28, 2017
Here below Farrah Qureshi, CEO of Global Diversity Practice and global diversity/inclusion thought and practice leader answers the question: is it the law to be diverse and inclusive as a business owner? In June 2017, 175 CEOs in the US joined forces in a new alliance: CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion. Featuring many of […]
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The Top 5 Ways CEOs Should Be Role Models for Employees

July 26, 2017
Below Peter Blencowe, the Managing Director of Bluecrest Wellness, lists the top 5 ways directors, boardroom members, CEOs, executives and managers can be an idyllic role model to the rest of the company’s employees. 1. Show trust Trust is the key factor when it comes to creating a positive work environment: it’s what allows people […]
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Should CEOs Use Social Media?

July 20, 2017
Many CEOs avoid social media, or use it badly. But in a business world that is increasingly driven by social media, neither of these stances is a realistic option. Below, Cleland Thom Principal at the College of Media and Publishing, explains. Admittedly, it can be difficult for CEOs to find a useful role on social […]
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The Top 6 Steps to Selling Your Company

July 18, 2017
Below Jonnie Whittle, financial planner at wealth management specialist Clarion, takes a closer look at the process of selling your business. CEOs are different from other people. Their talent lies in imagining a new solution or fresh approach that gives the world something it may not have realised it needed. The business becomes the owner’s […]
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Relocating Post-Brexit: The Top 5 Alternatives for London Executives

July 14, 2017
Movinga, Europe’s leading online removals platform, recently released a study revealing the cities in which London professionals displaced by Brexit would feel happiest. Dublin is the most favourable city for bankers, based on the average high-end rent prices, language spoken, cuisine, luxury stores and bars, pushing the cities of Frankfurt and Paris unexpectedly far down […]
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Everything You Need to Know on the New European Shareholder Rights Directive

July 11, 2017
The European Council and European parliament recently gave their approval to a new EU Shareholder Rights Directive (SRD II) which will have a significant impact on rights and responsibilities of investors in the European market. This Directive will likely result in significant changes to shortcomings in corporate governance and will encourage long term and active […]
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Here’s Why Your Privacy Policy Can Cost You a Lot of Business

July 5, 2017
Privacy Policies, whether a small or large firm can often play a crucial role in retaining customers, but when your privacy policy doesn’t meet the standard required by its platform, sector or market, for example on an app store, then you may be in for losing a lot more business. Here Cleland Thom, principal of […]
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The Business Case for Switching Off, a Goldmine of Creativity?

July 3, 2017
Discussing the potential for employee efficiency and the needs of employees in the workspace, Richard Morris, UK CEO of Spaces, make his business case for the benefits of employee switch-off. They’re known as “shower thoughts,” those seemingly random thoughts or ideas that occur when taking our morning shower- or engaged in a similarly monotonous task. […]
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Interview with Peter Sprigg, the CEO of Helge Nyberg AB

June 14, 2017
Peter Sprigg, CEO of Helge Nyberg AB in Sweden, explains the challenges of offering a unique logistics business, developing and manufacturing trolleys and towing and picking trucks for a global market.   Could you please give a brief overall description of Helge Nyberg AB and the work you do? Helge Nyberg AB is a company […]
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