70 UK Businesses Test Out Four-Day Work Week

June 6, 2022
In the UK, 70 companies are giving their 3,300 employees a three-day weekend from Monday. Though the employees won’t see any reduction in pay,  they are expected to maintain their typical levels of productivity.   The trial has been organised by academics at Oxford and Cambridge universities and Boston College in the United States, with a […]
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5 Ways Web3 Is Set To Transform Customer Experience

May 26, 2022
You can think of Web3 as a technological evolution to something more efficient and sophisticated. While Web1 was a ‘reading only’ phase, limited to simple, static websites with little interaction for the user, Web2 became much more participatory. Users could create content, interact freely and share information. For the most part, we are still in […]
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Top 3 Metaverse Mistakes For Businesses To Avoid

May 26, 2022
To some, it may seem that metaverse is a new buzzword. Organisations from all sectors have rushed to announce new virtual offerings, from Prada’s virtual winter sports line to Disney’s announcing that the metaverse is 'top of mind'.  While the metaverse can be a valuable tool for engaging customers and opening up new revenue streams, […]
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The Relationship Between Career Fit And Stress

April 5, 2022
One way of doing this is to treat your job in the same way you would treat a personal relationship. In other words, look for employment where there is close alignment between your own needs and values and those of the company. If there is misalignment between the two for too long, the pressure will […]
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Why NFTs Are The Key To The Metaverse

March 29, 2022
Jawad Ashraf, CEO Terra Virtua, explains why NFTs are vital to the metaverse.  At Terra Virtua, we use virtual reality (VR) to immerse our users in personalised virtual 3D showrooms, art galleries, and “Fan Caves”, where they can collect and interact with digital collectables – and we’re also building our own metaverse, the Terraverse. These […]
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How To Take Your Business To The Next Level

March 25, 2022
Yet, according to the Conference Board’s C-Suite Outlook 2022, less than 40% of CEOs believe they are well prepared to meet challenges posed by a major crisis related to inflation, cybersecurity, supply chain disruptions or climate change. In this environment, how can CEOs rise to the challenges of the “next normal,” as well as take […]
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Companies With Female Leaders Outperform Those Dominated By Men, Research Shows

March 8, 2022
The shadow secretary for women and equalities, Anneliese Dodds, said the research demonstrates that women are key to a stronger economy. She also accused the government of ignoring the needs of women throughout the covid-19 pandemic.  “When you’ve got more engagement from women, when women are in the driving seat to the extent they should […]
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Climbing The Right Mountain: What Should Success Look Like?

February 17, 2022
According to a recent Deloitte survey, Gen Z employees consider themselves the hardest-working generation in decades, while also demanding more flexibility. Perhaps understandably, some two-thirds also reported that money worries kept them awake at night. The findings come during an era in which much is made about how much time we should be spending at […]
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Keeping Up With Millennials? Brace Yourself For Gen Z

February 2, 2022
Liesl Leary-Perez, VP of Corporate Marketing at Hubilo, explains the changes that Generation Z will soon bring to businesses. Move over Millennials, Generation Z is here! Those born between the mid-’90s and mid-’00s form over a quarter (27%) of the US population and will make up almost a third of the workforce by the next […]
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5 Top Tips For Mentoring Younger Colleagues

January 28, 2022
How can you make the most of the mentoring activity for you both? Well, before you start, think about who you are mentoring. Mentoring colleagues who are not like you Mentoring those who come from similar backgrounds to ourselves can be a fairly intuitive process.  We are more likely to recognise our younger selves in […]
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Japan To Assist Bill Gates With Next-Gen Nuclear Power Project

January 27, 2022
On Thursday, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries announced plans to work with Japan’s atomic energy agency to provide technical assistance to American start-up TerraPower, run by billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. The start-up aims to build a next-generation nuclear reactor in Wyoming.  TerraPower plans to build its plant in the US state by 2028, using a new […]
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Meta Is Building The World’s Fastest AI Supercomputer, Says Zuckerberg

January 25, 2022
In a blog post, Zuckerberg said that the metaverse, a concept that combines the physical world with the digital world via virtual and augmented reality, requires “enormous” computing power. Meta’s AI supercomputer, nicknamed the “AI Research SuperCluster” (RSC), is already the fifth fastest in the world, according to the company. Meta researchers have said they […]
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