"Strong leaders today, create the space and the environment that allows and encourages their people to learn together and flourish. Sounds simple, but with day-to-day pressures it can be hard for leaders to achieve this, that’s where the team coach can step in."
"By listening to podcasts, CEOs can tap into a wealth of knowledge and expertise from industry leaders, thought-provoking speakers, and successful entrepreneurs."
I view entrepreneurship through the lens of finding a niche industry you are passionate about and then building a company around a solution to a historically time-consuming or expensive process within that industry.
Bill Gates, Eric Schmidt, and other prominent executives have openly expressed their belief that everyone needs a coach. Much like athletes who engage coaches to enhance their performance and maximise their chances of success, Executive & Leadership coaches can play a critical role in accelerating professional achievements.
“Businesses have increasingly broken out beyond borders into the globalised market, and even the smallest of provincial companies now understand the importance of speaking languages.”
CEO Today Online and CEO Today magazine are dedicated to providing CEOs and C-level executives with the latest corporate developments, business news and technological innovations.