5 Ways to Making Better Data Driven Decisions

January 25, 2019
Political, social and technological disruptions are set to shake up the business world more than ever over the next 12 months, putting increased pressure on the decision-making capabilities of the CEO.
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6 Things to Know as a First Time CEO

January 24, 2019
CEOs are dropping like flies these days. From scandals to poor management, there’s always a door opening for a new CEO, so how can you, a potential first time CEO, get one step ahead of your competitors?
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Do You Have the Skills to Navigate Businesses Through Digital Transformation?

January 23, 2019
Technology is a powerful enabler, but leaders need closer guidance in bringing about the business and cultural changes required to make digital transformation a success
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The Irony of Poor Leadership Choices and How They Affect Everything Else

January 21, 2019
A CEO’s stock in trade is his decision making. As the sayings go, “the CEO is the bottom line,” and “the buck stops with them.”
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Speakeasy: Building to a Global Enterprise

January 18, 2019
Scott Weiss is the CEO and Owner of Speakeasy, Inc., a 45-year-old global communication consultancy with offices in New York, Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, Amsterdam, and ongoing operations in Hong Kong, Dubai, London, and Mumbai. Speakeasy works with some 350 client companies and 5,000 individuals annually who attend their communication development programs to improve both […]
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What Is a Non-Financial Shareholder and Why Are They Important?

January 18, 2019
If CEOs don't start to appreciate and see this kind of activism as an opportunity then it immediately becomes a threat to them.
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Here’s How and Why More Women in the Boardroom Is a Good Thing

January 17, 2019
In most boardrooms, the majority of directors are male. This comes down to outdated biases and a lack of understanding around the benefits of gender diversity.
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The Importance of Spoken Word in an Increasingly Digital Workplace

January 16, 2019
Should CEOs be encouraging more interaction between employees and putting in place initiatives that sharpen presentation, networking and collaborative skills rather than relying on technology?
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Does Being Good-Looking Make You a More Electable CEO?

January 16, 2019
Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron and Enrique Peña Nieto. All three have two very similar characteristics in common. They all hold high political office and all are considered by many to be good-looking. Is this a simple coincidence or could there be a link between their electoral success and apparent attractiveness?
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Here’s Why Impact Investment Will Produce Better Companies

January 15, 2019
There is mounting pressure for listed businesses to be more transparent in their practices.
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When Budget Season Ends, What-If Season Begins

January 11, 2019
CFOs that have spent the past 6 months building a financial plan will need to shift focus to what-if planning come the end of January.
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3 Ways Businesses Can Embrace the Modern Work-From-Home Culture

January 10, 2019
The workplace has evolved significantly over the past decade, with the demise of on-site working and a 9-5 working day now almost non-existent in many businesses.
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CEO Today Online and CEO Today magazine are dedicated to providing CEOs and C-level executives with the latest corporate developments, business news and technological innovations.
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