Is It Time to Add Electric Vans to Your Fleet?

April 13, 2018
Electric vehicles are very much in the spotlight right now. Even more so now that the diesel and petrol cars have been branded significantly harmful for the environment. With air pollutions levels high throughout the UK, the government has committed to plans to ensure they reduce the level of pollution by 2040. For business owners, […]
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5 Key Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Very First Business

April 12, 2018
Starting a new business is not a walk in the park. It takes a considerable amount of time, effort, and money to lay down its foundation. Many have failed in this process, while others have turned their startups into multinational companies. If you are thinking about starting your first business, this post is for you. […]
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Nectar Card to Set Establish the Future of the ‘Membership Economy’

April 9, 2018
Sainsbury’s is overhauling its Nectar card, hoping they don't make the same mistakes as Tesco Clubcard scheme fiasco by putting the customer first and rewarding not just money spent, but other facets of loyalty. Below Rob Meakin, Managing Director at Loyalty Pro, comments for CEO Today. The new move by Sainsbury’s to overhaul their loyalty […]
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Your Business Could Be Losing £205million to IT Downtime

April 4, 2018
New research from IT server relocation specialist Technimove reveals the real cost to UK businesses of poorly planned server migrations. The data reveals that just a 1% loss of service from such migrations could cost UK businesses as much as £205million per year, while US-based businesses might be losing out on as much as £7billion […]
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Is Data the New Gold?

April 4, 2018
Everybody loves gold. It’s shiny and is perceived to have a value and status, due in part to its relative rarity. But data doesn't have the same allure. Unlike gold, data is everywhere and doesn't have the same mass appeal, but is it worth just as much? Below CEO Today hears from Matt Shepherd, Head […]
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Wealth Managers Must Educate Clients or Risk Losing Them

April 3, 2018
In order to engage high net worth (HNW) clients in their allocation strategy and boost retention rates, wealth advisors will need to take a proactive approach, according to GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company. In 2017 positive stock market performance skewed HNW portfolios towards equity investments. Given the recent market volatility, coupled with growing […]
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A CEOs Guide to the Gender Pay Gap

April 3, 2018
The news that Tesco is facing Britain’s largest ever equal pay claim and a possible bill running to £4bn is only the latest example of the impact that gender pay issues are having in the workplace and beyond. And these are only likely to intensify with the now passed 30 March 2018 deadline for all […]
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“Lads” or “Bros” Are the Worst Personalities to Have in Your Office

March 30, 2018
Your typical “Lad”, or “Bro”, shouldn’t be hired as part of a workforce. These guys have a grade A qualification in banter, enjoy engaging in typical testosterone-driven behaviour and will flex their “guns” at any given opportunity. But most importantly, these guys are out to impress, unfortunately not their seniors, but their peers. Lads thrive […]
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How Do You Know If You're Investing in the Right Business?

March 29, 2018
Steven McMeechan is a strategic marketing and communications specialist at Capstone Financial Planning and he has over twenty years’ experience in senior marketing management roles across a range of industries including Information Technology and Financial Services. Below he delves into his top key power tips to knowing you’re investing right. Investing in a business takes […]
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Instilling Autonomy to Boost Motivation

March 28, 2018
There exists no algorithm on how to run a successful business. But there is one common trait for all: people are a business’ greatest asset. Now, take a look at this quote from Simon Sinek: “In weak companies, the dreamers are expected to serve the planners. In great companies, the planners feel inspired to serve […]
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How to Manage an Increasingly Complex Business Environment

March 28, 2018
There is no doubt that we are in the midst of intense global change, whether we consider politics, economics, climate change, resource scarcity, technological advancement or dozens of other areas. And as the business environment changes, it’s becoming increasingly clear that organisations unable to keep pace with this accelerated change are stagnating and failing over […]
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7 Ways to Increase Workplace Productivity

March 28, 2018
There is almost nothing that can effect a business quite like a decrease in productivity. A change in productivity from even the lowest level in the company can have an adverse effect on every level of the company up to even the management. This can affect not only the company's revenue and successes but also […]
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