Business email compromise is responsible for a total loss of over USD$40 billion. Know how to protect your business from such email threats with this guide.
Using Elon Musk as a textbook, we discuss why celebrity CEOs exhibit terrible governance policies. The key to corporate success is good corporate governance. Any CEO worth their salt is a humble leader with eager, engaged, and educated critics at board level to keep decisions in check. Inversely, ego, inexperience and unwavering control are red […]
The leadership challenges that arrived with 2022 were profound, highlighting several trends and bringing with it several vital lessons. From eye-watering inflation and interest rates to intense recruitment and supply chain problems, disasters induced by climate change, political instability, economic recession and war, there’s no denying that 2022 has been a year like no other. Taken together with the transformational experience of COVID, these issues have started searing themselves into the psyche, mindset and behaviour of customers, employees, stakeholders and societies more widely – with major implications for organisations and leaders.
While delivering profitable growth remains the key element of leading an organisation, it’s also no longer enough on its own. The world is changing, and throwing up ever more disruption, and leaders can’t get away with sitting in their little boxes. Customers, employees and shareholders are calling out leaders and organisations to serve something greater […]
As we enter 2023, the importance of employee well-being and the ‘human touch’ in the workplace is expected to continue to grow in significance. With a changing economy and shifting workforce expectations, HR departments must proactively address various challenges and opportunities. From managing employee well-being to investing in learning and development, HR will be crucial in attracting and retaining top talent.
The core of field service is to manage field personnel to carry out their tasks in a way that promotes customer happiness, increases efficiency, and reduces operating costs.
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