Business leaders today can learn a lot from Winston Churchill and after a few turbulent years with the global pandemic and a looming recession we need to take heed from Churchill's qualities and lessons.
One of Britain’s most respected international business leaders, Sir Bob Reid has a history of steering disparate large organisations through challenging times by drawing on universal principles about people, power, and profit that he had absorbed in his youth and expatriate years.
When Shakespeare penned Juliet’s infamous line from Romeo and Juliet – “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet” – we can be pretty sure he wasn’t thinking about tax returns.
Are you familiar with triple-bottom-line thinking? It's a way of looking at the business success that takes into account financial profit and environmental and social responsibility.
With over 600 million new jobs required by 2030, the global job market needs several openings to cater to the increase in the world’s working-age population.
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