When you launch a startup, for a time all efforts are focused on getting off the ground. From planning your business model to recruiting the talent you need, reaching the end of that runway is all that seems important.
More than 475 years after Copernicus published his theory on the Revolutions Of The Celestial Spheres, in direct challenge to the popular belief that the earth was the centre of the universe, there has been a significant rise in members of the Flat Earth Society.
The economic integration of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and free flow of goods between member states has represented a positive step forward economically for the region.
Businesses are operating in a time of incredibly rapid change and innovation, where disruptive technology is being harnessed to turn traditional business models on their heads and bring ideas to market almost instantaneously.
Below Paul Hargreaves, author of new book Forces for Good: Creating a better world through purpose-driven businesses, and CEO of the fine foods wholesaler Cotswold Fayre, discusses six reasons becoming a mentor can be immensely valuable to any CEO. In 2012 I attended a trade show and was walking the event looking for innovative new […]
In today’s business environment, gender diversity – and diversity on a broader scale – is essential to ensuring we have the right skills base and talent pool within our organizations.
Speaking in public seems to be one of those skills that you either have or you don’t. Except that’s not always the case. People with low confidence, stammers or anxiety shouldn’t worry too much, because they can, with practice, take to the stage and revel in the act of persuasion.
Growth. All businesses and professionals should desire it and most certainly need it. But achieving and sustaining growth in today’s uber-complex environment—whether corporate, entrepreneurial or personal career growth—takes multifaceted vision, ingenuity and agility.
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