Decisions Matter: Planning for a New Sustainable Mindset

April 29, 2020
Sustainability is now a priority for businesses, across the products and services they develop and deliver, the customers and talent they attract, and the perception of their investors. If a hotter, scarcer, more unpredictable yet more transparent world is the new normal, how can companies operate to ensure a prosperous future for everyone? Prioritising environmental […]
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50 Years of Earth Day – Lessons and Challenges for Businesses in the Next Five Decades

April 22, 2020
Thanks to Denis Hayes and a group of environmental leaders, 20 years later, in 1990, Earth Day became a global phenomenon, mobilising 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage. Since then, every April 22 has been dedicated to raising awareness of environmental and climate issues around the world […]
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The CEOs Who Care about Our Planet

April 22, 2020
In honour of Earth Day, Elettra Bianchi Dennerlein, Co-founder and Co-CEO of My Online Therapy, takes a look at the world’s most powerful CEOs who are committed to fighting climate change and the nature emergencies facing humanity. Environmentalist at heart and in practice, I got involved in the fossil-free grassroots movement over five years ago […]
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How are the World's Billionaires Helping the Fight Against COVID-19

April 16, 2020
Bill Gates In February, The Bill & Melinda Foundation announced plans to commit up to US$100 million to help global detection, isolation and treatment of COVID-19. More than half of the funding will be invested in developing vaccines, as well as treatment and diagnostics efforts. Following President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw US financial support for the […]
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5 Common Leadership Styles: Which One are You?

April 6, 2020
How you show up as a leader depends on what you truly believe is the answer to the question: ‘Is management power or is it responsibility?’. There are plenty of CEOs, new and old, who see their position as one of power; who believe in command and control; who revel in the opportunity to treat […]
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Bob Iger and the Evolution of Leadership

April 2, 2020
In his book The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company, Iger outlines qualities ranging from optimism and decisiveness to integrity as core to his leadership style. This approach has been reflected in the evolution of the business. Under his tenure, Disney has become the media […]
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Top 7 Luxury Tented Camps from Around the World

April 1, 2020
Luxury tented camps offer soft linens, deep soaking tubs, butler service and incredible food made fresh from local ingredients, alongside the chance to hear a giraffe munching on a leaf through the canvas of your tent or have a rare bird land on your roof. There’s even Wifi! Read on to discover a world where […]
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The 10 Richest Self-Made Women in the World

April 1, 2020
Doris Fisher $2.2 billion Age: 90 Gap was founded by Doris and Donald Fisher in 1969 after the couple struggled to find jeans that fit Don. They successfully raised $63,000 and opened their first store in San Francisco – selling jeans and music. And the rest is history, as they say. Up until 2003, Doris […]
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The Top 10 Books Every CEO Should Read

April 1, 2020
Whether it’s growing a team, raising investment or navigating competitive markets, CEOs and business leaders require a great amount of skill and experience. But that’s where books come in handy, allowing you to learn from the mistakes and successes of others. With reader behaviour data from the Perlego platform, Matthew Jones has created a list […]
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How to Raise Money as a Female Entrepreneur

April 1, 2020
Why is this? Part of the problem is the lack of female angel investors and venture capitalists in the market. I have pitched to some incredibly inspiring women, but they probably amount to about 2% of all pitches, with almost all being men. Women are also turning to more alternative sources of finance, crowdfunding being […]
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Banking Veteran Alan Eddie on Business Intelligence, Innovation & the Future of Technology

April 1, 2020
You worked with a number of different investment banks before joining AST—how does that experience impact upon your role at AST and what are some of the distinctions between AST’s organisation and some of those banks’ technology culture? Technology at those firms and at AST is not only essential to our business but is a […]
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Building Web Forms - Revolutionised

April 1, 2020
What was the idea about 123 Form Builder born out of? Back in the mid-2000s, big data was not much more than a wildly used buzzword. Nonetheless, we were fascinated with the prospect of creating an online platform that would at least help pave the way to the data-driven business landscape we had all been […]
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