Future-Proofing Your Brand in the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’

March 29, 2019
This year’s World Economic Forum in Davos focused on the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ – a new era of emergent technologies like 5G, AI and connected devices that are already changing our lives. This technology offers risk and reward for businesses in all sectors. Effective and early adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), for example, is already […]
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Elemica: Delivering the Top Supply Chain Digital Transformation

March 29, 2019
John Blyzinskyj is the CEO of Elemica, a global enterprise software company that provides products for global process industries including oil and gas, specialty chemical, bulk primary chemical and extrusion pharmaceutical companies, as well as plastics, the tire and rubber industry, and food processing. Elemica is the number one provider of products they offer, which […]
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Prepaid Financial Services: One of the World's Leading FinTechs

March 29, 2019
Already in 2019, Noel Moran, Chief Executive Officer at Prepaid Financial Services has been honoured with three CEO awards, two of which are international. The current European Entrepreneur of the Year was showcased at the prestigious World Economic Forum meeting in Davos in January. His company, PFS, is one of the world's leading FinTechs. Recently, […]
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What is Self-Made?

March 29, 2019
Over the past few months, the definition of self-made has been fairly misconstrued by the general populous, on the back of notable media, celebrity and financial claims; perhaps the most prominent of these being Forbes’ listing of Kylie Jenner as America’s youngest self-made billionaire. Though not the only criteria for said listing, the term ‘self-made’ […]
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Five Ways to Find Out What Your Customers Really Think

March 29, 2019
1.4 million people left the big six utilities between June 2017 and June 2018. For the most part, they left for smaller challenger firms. The reason? Switching to better tariffs certainly, but not solely. For many people, it’s the customer experience – in fact in the January 2018 Which? customer satisfaction survey, the Big Six […]
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Women and the C-suite: Five Senior Female Professionals On Their Journey to the Top

March 8, 2019
As the 8th of March ushers in the 110th International Women’s Day (the first was held in New York in 1909), we talk to five trailblazing senior female professionals from the creative industries, and ask them how they deal with the challenges facing women in the workforce today, and the key qualities that you need […]
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Alpha Blue Ocean: An Alternative Investment Firm

February 28, 2019
Pierre Vannineuse is the Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer of Alpha Blue Ocean, an international alternative investment firm with headquarters in London. Pierre is leading all of their investment strategies and represents the company on all fronts. Pierre’s idea was to create an innovative financing philosophy which aims at switching from direct market risk […]
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Quadriga: Living a Cryptocurrency Nightmare

February 28, 2019
By Louisa Rochford   Created by an unknown inventor under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency in the world, established a decade ago in 2009. Since then, over 4,000 altcoins—or alternate cryptocurrencies—have been created: Litecoin and Ethereum to name a few. At first, these purely-digital forms of currency took the world by […]
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Return of the Human: How Big Co’s Can Keep Up with Challengers

February 28, 2019
Melinda Davis, Group Director of Strategy at Spicefire, looks into how the Big Co's of the world can keep up with modern competition with a humanized approach. From calling a cab or taking a vacation to ordering food or applying for a loan, brands with a challenger mindset are transforming the world with solutions that […]
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Redefining the C-suite

February 28, 2019
Gad Elkin, Vice President of UK & Ireland at F5 Networks, discusses the ways in which the C-suite should be redefined in order to achieve the best business strategies.   Most major strategic shifts tend to happen at board level, but does that necessarily result in optimal outcomes? Are the right people always present to help […]
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The Illusion of Wealth

February 28, 2019
Focus on investment to avoid getting caught up in a cycle of consumption, says Ryan Jackson, Founder and CEO of Gemini Parking Solutions. Delusional or just mass confusion? There is an ever-increasing collective of consumers promoting the false ideology of wealth. This culture has brainwashed a generation. In this digital age so many are able […]
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Avetta: Vetting for a Safe Supply Chain

February 28, 2019
John Herr is the CEO of Avetta. He graduated from Harvard Business School in 1993, and has been with Avetta for 4 years. Avetta, formerly known as PICS (PICS Auditing), are a global supply chain risk management software company - they vet the risk, safety, sustainability and quality of industrial contractors all over the world. John brings […]
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