From Morgan Stanley Executive to CEO of a Tech Startup: Managing Transition

September 28, 2018
Prevailing wisdom holds that banks are officious and sluggish, while tech startups are quick and nimble. The two business models–and those who work within them–have little in common. Prevailing wisdom is wrong: in reality, the skills necessary to be successful in both spaces often overlap. Last year, after 15 years at Morgan Stanley, I made […]
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Brand Fostering: An Integrated Global Brand Solution

September 28, 2018
CEO Today sits down with Ceuta Group CEO Edwin Bessant. Edwin tells us about Ceuta Group’s beginnings, its unique brand-fostering service which is helping businesses to grow their brands globally, and how business in the company has exploded in the last 24 years; allowing it to become a leading and multi award-winning global organisation.
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Coming Out of Isolation

September 28, 2018
Peter Rush, CEO of Formica Group, discusses the changing dynamics of the CEO role. Traditionally considered a lonely position within a business, the role of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has evolved over the years. A variety of factors have influenced this change, including mounting pressure from investors to deliver not just financial results, but […]
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Why You Need to Believe in Brexit and Not Panic

September 28, 2018
CEOs all have one eye on Brexit. That seems to be the consensus when looking at what the heads of the largest multi-national corporations are saying in the media. We are now six months away from the deadline for negotiations at the end of March 2019, and the reality of keeping a foot in the […]
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Wealth Professionals Need to Communicate to Provide a More Valuable Client Experience

September 28, 2018
The athletes that made it to the 2018 winter games in PyeongChang, South Korea are elite in their respective events, but none of them can say they got to where they are by going it alone. Turning an athlete into an Olympian requires dedicated efforts by coaches, trainers, physical therapists, nutritionists, sports psychologists, doctors, family […]
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How to Find Business Value in Trend Spotting

September 28, 2018
The answer lies in spotting when a trend turns into a cultural shift. The saying goes that once you react to a trend it’s already too late. For businesses, where getting maximum bang for buck is the name of the game, detecting the next big thing in its infancy is critical. The clear downside to […]
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The Dods' Approach to Product Innovation

September 28, 2018
Simon Presswell is the CEO of Dods Group PLC, having joined the company on the 9th July of this year. The company is UK-based and is specialised in intelligence, media, events and training. Simon spoke with us at CEO Today about the history of his role, his goals and motivations, and the Dods’ approach to […]
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Indra Nooyi: Refreshing PepsiCo

August 31, 2018
By Louisa Rochford   Consistently ranked among the world’s 100 Most Powerful Women and one of our Top 50 CEOs, Indra Nooyi has accomplished a wealth of achievements in her 12 years as CEO of PepsiCo. Now, as Nooyi begins the process of her departure from the position, the world loses a revolutionary leader that […]
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Wilsonart: A Global Footprint in Engineered Surface Solutions

August 31, 2018
Timothy J. O’Brien is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Wilsonart Engineered Surfaces, leading all aspects of the $1.4 billion, 5,000+ employee global enterprise. Below, Timothy tells us about Wilsonart’s roots, accomplishments and the impact that new technology has on the development of engineered surfacing solutions.   What has been Wilsonart’s greatest achievement that […]
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Corporate Lobbies: The Power of a First Impression

August 31, 2018
Visitors can feel the culture the moment they walk in the door to your offices. Worth £193 billion annually to the UK economy, face-to-face business remains king, so how can UK business owners make every visit to their organisation memorable for the right reasons? From the latest nature-inspired design techniques to smart technologies to deliver […]
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IC Universal Legal: Microfinancing and M&A

August 31, 2018
Equipped with varied experience across diverse sectors, Kavitha Vijay, the Senior Partner of IC Universal Legal, was instrumental in the establishment of the Chennai office in 2006 and has been leading it since 2010. The firm has built a reputation as having a highly-regarded global presence through its affiliation with Chugh LLP, a full-service law […]
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Beyond Detection

August 31, 2018
Dan Turner, CEO of British cybersecurity firm Deep Secure, surveys the ever-growing list of successful attacks and asks why the cybersecurity industry has been getting it so wrong for so long.   Unquantifiable Risk Some years ago, in a previous life, I had an experience that changed my view of cybersecurity forever. At the time, […]
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