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5 of the World's Biggest Companies That Are Making Zero Profit

November 7, 2019
Surprisingly, there are hundreds of huge companies out there, valued in the billions, yet making zero profits, or in some cases losses.
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5 Ways Cleanliness at Home Impacts Productivity in the Workplace

November 7, 2019
Working in an organised, clean, and tidy place can really help promote productivity. It makes finding what you need easier and ensures that you don’t waste time looking for that important document.
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Microsoft Tested 4-Day Work Week and Increased Productivity 40%

November 6, 2019
Microsoft’s Japanese division attempted a 4-day work week for the month of August this year; the results? A whole 40% more productivity from employees.
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3 Lies About Biometrics Marketing Most CEOs Believe

November 6, 2019
Despite biometric technology existing since the early 90s, its overall use in the public domain has been limited making it more science fiction than fact. For the most part, the technology has been used in security measures adding to the misconceptions surrounding its wider application.
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Plane Crashes Force Boeing CEO to Waive Bonus

November 6, 2019
Following two crashes which led to the deaths of 346 people on Boeing 737 max airplanes, Boeing’s Chief executive Officer Dennis Muilenburg has opted to waiver his yearly bonus.
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Softbank Boss Loses $6 Billion on WeWork Flop

November 5, 2019
Japan’s Softbank boss has lost about $6 billion since aggressively backing tech firms in 2019.
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5 Top Tips on How to Sell a Business

November 5, 2019
A globally uncertain backdrop, Brexit plus a faltering German economy casting a cloud over the EU have all contributed to a dip in global M&A activity.
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What Boards of Directors Are Missing About Cybersecurity

November 5, 2019
When there is incongruity between the extent of the Board’s cybersecurity knowledge and the level of decision-making authority they hold, that’s a recipe for bike-shedding.
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McDonald’s CEO Illegal Relationship ‘Not Surprising’

November 4, 2019
This weekend we learned that Steve Easterbrook, now the former CEO of multinational fast-food giant McDonald’s, was fired over an ongoing relationship with a work colleague.
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Can Mindfulness Help CEOs Combat the Pressure-Cooker of Work

November 4, 2019
For many of us, work is not just a source of income – it’s an essential source of identity, fulfilment, and self-worth, and some enlightened employers are waking up to the idea that the health of their businesses is inextricably linked to the health of their employees.
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Could PPC Be the Secret to Success for Immediate Results?

November 4, 2019
Are you looking to prepare your marketing strategy for 2020? We’ve got you covered.
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It’s the Age of the Smart Site and CEOs Need to Catch Up

November 1, 2019
Businesses today are operating in a climate of ever-increasing customer expectations. For the majority, their website will be the first meaningful brand interaction with a potential customer.
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CEO Today Online and CEO Today magazine are dedicated to providing CEOs and C-level executives with the latest corporate developments, business news and technological innovations.
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