If you are the person who is in charge of investing in and growing a company, it is important to be aware that your competition are rapidly powering up their business using digital solutions and technology. You, like many other decision-makers and innovative organisations, need to do everything possible not to stay behind. The World […]
Kim D. Desrosiers is a Managing Director within the Environmental Solutions practice of FTI Consulting, an independent global business advisory firm, dedicated to finding solutions to clients' complex problems. Her research, developed from geospatial analyses and big data, has been published by numerous institutions, including The Brookings Institute, Google.org, and the Northeast Clean Energy Council. […]
Given the accelerated pace of technology advancements, it’s impossible to be certain what the business landscape will look like in five years’ time. What is certain is that the technology landscape of tomorrow will be very different than what we are experiencing today. Those who embrace new technologies will reap the benefits and competitive advantages, […]
When you’re running a business, you should always be striving for greater efficiency. If your site and its facilities are streamlined for optimum efficiency, your workers will be more productive, your share prices higher and, in the long run, your profit margins will continue to increase.
With the higher costs of living exacerbated by stagnant wages and benefit cuts, there’s no doubt the UK faces a debt problem, but where are the areas most affected by financial woes?
When you launch a startup, for a time all efforts are focused on getting off the ground. From planning your business model to recruiting the talent you need, reaching the end of that runway is all that seems important.
Since its 1984 launch in Michael Dell's dorm , Dell has evolved from a PC maker to a $90 billion in revenue and services in storage, servers, cloud infrastructure and data security. Since then, CEO, Michael Dell has taken his company public, private and then public again as it tried to keep up with changing consumer and business customer needs.
As the digital age continues to hurtle along at break-neck speed, more and more organisations are investing in transformation projects to stay ahead of the game.
More than 475 years after Copernicus published his theory on the Revolutions Of The Celestial Spheres, in direct challenge to the popular belief that the earth was the centre of the universe, there has been a significant rise in members of the Flat Earth Society.
CEO Today Online and CEO Today magazine are dedicated to providing CEOs and C-level executives with the latest corporate developments, business news and technological innovations.