As we enter 2019, the proliferation of digital devices means that we’re constantly connected to the office wherever we might be, making it difficult to switch off from work, even when we should.
At IGNITION, Business Insider asked real estate mogul and "Shark Tank" host Barbara Corcoran to share her advice on how to successfully ask your boss for a raise. Corcoran also talked about what you should do if you receive an offer from another company.
The workplace has evolved significantly over the past decade, with the demise of on-site working and a 9-5 working day now almost non-existent in many businesses.
With the twists and turns of the political landscape, providing an opener for the dramas to come in Westminster in 2019, it came as no surprise that Ipsos Mori’s annual ranking of the most and least trusted professions placed politicians at the bottom of the list.
Chinese sellers resort to a wide range of cunning techniques to manipulate product listings on Amazon and boost sales. WSJ’s Jon Emont investigates their strategies and explains how consumers can detect sham listings.
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