Are We Getting the Best Work-Life Balance?

February 14, 2018
Brits are reported to spend at least 21% of their waking hours at work across their lifespan. With so much time spent at work, it’s important to strike the best possible work-life balance. According to a recent survey conducted by Paymentsense, the majority of Brits think they have a good work-life balance, with 73% of […]
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The Top 5 Luxury Sound Gadgets for 2018

February 14, 2018
So you may not be super passionate about pristine sound quality, frequency compression or EQ enhancement, but you are passionate about quality. For myself, knowing I have products I can rely on, that provide consistent quality and rigour, is essential when it comes to buying. Having expensive luxury products isn’t always the solution to the […]
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Love or Loss: How Fares the Dating Scene for a CEO?

February 13, 2018
As Valentine’s day approaches, along with it comes either a feeling of excitement or absolute dread. Perhaps more so for those at the top of the ladder, where work can take priority, and concerns over the business can cloud the vision of potential dating and all the qualms that come with it; it begs the […]
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BHS, Comet & Woolworths: How Do Businesses Survive Change?

February 13, 2018
As a result of rapidly changing consumer trends and economic difficulty, many popular high-street names have come to an end. But why did their competitors not fail too? Together with Impact International, experts in change management, we look at how some businesses make themselves resistant to change. Comet and Maplin Popular company Comet closed its […]
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Here's How Intel's New Smart Glasses Work: Lasers

February 12, 2018
Intel's Vaunt smart glasses won't make you look like a Glasshole. Dieter Bohn got an exclusive look at Intel's latest gadget. By shining a low-powered laser into your retina, the glasses can get all sorts of information without pulling out your phone.
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3 Keys to Branding as a Social Media CEO

February 12, 2018
Being a Social Media CEO became a thing around 2012, when creative and inventive share-aholics realised that an online following meant they could monetise their content while influencing the masses. Whether it’s Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook or any other social media. Being an online, or social media influencer has now transformed what was once a […]
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What Use Is VR In Business?

February 9, 2018
Virtual reality has been one of the most exciting technologies to emerge this decade, but we often have trouble explaining its utility. Understandably, most of the biggest news in VR comes from the gaming industry, almost to the point that one could misunderstand it as a gaming-exclusive technology. But VR has uses far beyond gaming, […]
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The New Rules of Meeting Room Etiquette

February 9, 2018
Meeting and conference rooms are an essential part of the fabric of most modern office spaces. With many businesses choosing to go open plan, they provide professional spaces for meeting with clients, collaboration hubs for co-workers and private work spaces when confidentiality is required. As with any shared space, rules need to be applied, but […]
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Do the New FCA Regulations Apply to Your Business?

February 9, 2018
Earlier in 2017, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a consultation paper on its proposals to extend the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) to all firms regulated by the FCA in 2018. Below, John Hayes, Principal and Partner at Constantine Law explains all you need to know about the extension of the Senior Managers […]
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10 Top Tips You Must Read Before Launching an Enterprise in 2018

February 8, 2018
Online printer instantprint, held a Successful Business Panel this January, involving four accomplished business owners. The panel was held to inspire entrepreneurs across the country and to celebrate the success of small business owners. The panel discussion was filled with fantastic nuggets of knowledge and guidance on launching a business in 2018. Such as, how […]
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How Do You Manage Team Productivity in a Growing SME?

February 8, 2018
Managing fast growth and keeping productivity consistent is a difficult feat, but there are ways of making company operations easier. Below Nakul Sharma, CEO and founder of Hostmaker, delves into some of the situations and challenges he has experienced, offering some solutions to the obstacles most business would confront in the face of fast paced […]
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Extreme Weather = Enhanced Duty of Care for Drivers

February 7, 2018
With recent snowfall following up a January of already extreme weather, employers, especially in the driving sector, have an enhanced duty of care towards employees. Below Chris McClellan, CEO at RAM Tracking, delves into some of the considerations to be made and tools that can help. If there is one thing businesses and the logistical […]
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