The Year’s 5 Most Annoying Office Phrases

January 5, 2018
Kit Out My Office, an online retailer of office furniture, have compiled their annual list of the most annoying office phrases that it believes should be stamped out as part of our New Year’s resolutions. Traditionally, New Year’s resolutions are personal goals to better ourselves, which can range from getting in-shape through to taking up […]
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6 Easy Ways to Motivate Employees After Christmas

January 4, 2018
With Christmas and the New Year behind us, coming back to work can often be a little chaotic. Below Jason Downes, MD of, brings CEO Today his top tips on motivating employees back into a success driven routine. The run-up to Christmas might feel hectic, but morale is generally high as employees look forward […]
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Colour Increases Brand Recognition By 80%, But How Many Brands Can You Recognise?

January 3, 2018
Colour has the unique ability to communicate a feeling immediately. Whether that feeling is passion for red, serenity for green, or festivity when combining the two; it is not difficult to see why it is so important to choose the right colours when it comes to creating your brand. Hues of blue are most commonly […]
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10 Top Tips on Filing Your Tax Returns This Year

January 3, 2018
Time is ticking on filling in your tax return for the period April 2016 to April 2017. Dawn Register, tax partner at BDO, the global accountancy firm, provides her top 10 'tips and traps' when sitting down to file your annual tax return. For many this is a chore started in earnest over the festive […]
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32% of World’s Top CEOs Studied Abroad; 29% Have MBA

January 3, 2018
A new study investigates the academic backgrounds of the Chief Executive Officers of the world’s largest companies. The survey by study choice portal Study.EU shows that 32% of the world’s top CEOs spent part of their university studies abroad, strongly exceeding the general average of around 6%. The survey looked at the CEOs of the […]
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How Should CEOs Deal with Business Complexity When Everything is a Priority?

January 2, 2018
Chloe Watts is a Partner in the Technology, Transformation & Change Practice at leadership resource consultancy WBMS, part of The Wilton & Bain Group. For business leaders, the world is an increasingly complex place. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotic automation, industry 4.0, the internet of things, these all promise a future very different to the […]
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Here's 10 Robots That Will Make Life in 2018 Much Easier

January 2, 2018
These 10 robots make life a lot easier 1. This suitcase follows you around. Travelmate uses GPS to stay close to your connected smartphone. 2. Grillbot is like a Roomba for your grill. Just set the timer and let Grillbot go to work. 3. This machine fixes the worst part about doing laundry. FoliMate will […]
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How to Manage Your Team Through a Security Breach

December 29, 2017
The Christmas & New Year’s holidays used to be prime time for office robberies, everyone’s at home for the week, it’s quiet, emergency services are distracted... but nowadays, the biggest robberies tend to be cyber-based. Below, Matt Smith, CEO of SteelEye, talks to CEO Today about the 4 steps to take in managing your workforce […]
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Shocking Rise in Energy Charges Revealed

December 28, 2017
Non-commodity charges for electricity bills have risen by an average of 10% every year for the past 10 years. In a speech during the UK's biggest energy event, EMEX, Martin Chitty, Director of Energy Analysis at cost management consultants PCMG, said: "Non-commodity charges, which include network charges and environmental taxes, now represent a huge 55% […]
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5 Ways to Keep Focused While Working Remotely Over Christmas

December 21, 2017
The many distractions brought on by the festive season can wreak havoc when you try to get email and tasks done remotely. Expert and business owner Sadie Sharp shares advice to keep you focussed.
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Will You Struggle to Comply with the Impending New Accountancy Rules?

December 21, 2017
Britain’s retailers look set to emerge, counter-intuitively, as the most exposed to lease commitments, according to analysis by Aptitude Software. Aptitude Software estimates that 90% of UK High Street retailers will struggle to comply with the impending new lease accounting standards (IFRS 16) which come into effect in January 2019. This is in part due […]
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Is It Necessary for a Charity’s Board of Trustees to be Diverse?

December 20, 2017
Below Marcus Davey, Chief Executive and Artistic Director at Roundhouse, discusses the importance of diversity on the board, in particular pertaining to charities and their trustees. A recent report by The Charity Commission found that a majority of charity trustees (92%) are white, older and above average income and education, and men outnumber women trustees […]
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