Mark Zuckerberg On Yahoo's Billion Dollar Offer

November 20, 2017
This is an excerpt of Mark's How to Build the Future interview with Sam Altman, from this longer cut:
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Public Sector Outsourcing Spikes in Q317

November 17, 2017
The UK’s public-sector outsourcing market experienced its strongest quarter in 2017 between July and September, as government bodies renewed investment in transforming back-office services, according to the Arvato UK Outsourcing Index. The research, compiled by business outsourcing partner Arvato and industry analyst NelsonHall, found that local authorities and central government departments procured contracts worth £723 […]
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Corporate Manslaughter: What Is Your Corporate Responsibility?

November 17, 2017
Manslaughter is of course a major criminal offence, but what about corporate manslaughter? The Corporate Homicide Act deems this an act of homicide committed by a company or organisation. In most cases this refers to incidents such as those whereby an employee falls sick and dies, or is caught in a bad accident, as a […]
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‘Financial Apathy’ Is Costing Millions in Lost Money and Creating a Mental Health Time Bomb

November 16, 2017
Research from one of Britain’s banks suggests over six-and-a-half million people in the UK are wasting billions of pounds every year on regular payments that should be cancelled. Money worries are also the top source of stress for 15% of young adults. Digital banking service B’s independent research shows 1 in 8 (13%) people in […]
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5 Top Tips for SMEs to Make the Best Foreign Currency Exchanges

November 16, 2017
Many small and medium-sized businesses in the UK operate on tight margins and have to manage every cost closely to ensure they remain in profit. For import/export companies, the greater the difference between an FX transaction and the spot inter-bank exchange rate, the more excess they are paying. A higher excess means lower profits. Below […]
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Making a Success of Succession Planning

November 15, 2017
Whether a large or small business, succession planning has to be done right and executed without compromise. But where do the difficulties lie, and how can we make sure succession execution goes smoothly, without an impact workflow? Simon Bittlestone, Managing Director of Metapraxis, explains for CEO Today. Succession planning is a challenge for any organisation, […]
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Confronting Vivid Competition in the Alternative Lending Sphere

November 15, 2017
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Challenger banks are doing what their name suggests, and research indicates they are gaining ground. For established lenders, replicating the characteristics of their smaller, more agile competitors, will help them defend their position. Outsourcing is the key, argues Sarah Jackson, Director, Equiniti Credit Services. The market […]
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Opening Doors to All Must Be a Priority for Business

November 14, 2017
Remember when work experience was the pinnacle of a career’s launch? Well they still are, but things have changed a little. Chris Jones, Chief Executive of the City & Guilds Group, talks to CEO Today about careers and the future of internships in the business world. It’s time to consign unpaid internships to history. That […]
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Kobe Steel: This Crisis Is More Than a Corporate Governance Issue

November 14, 2017
Estelle Clark is Director of Policy at the Chartered Quality Institute, Non-Executive of Riversimple, the hydrogen fuel cell eco-car company and a member of the Governance Advisory Panel at the Institute of Directors. Here Estelle discusses the current situation with Kobe Steel and sheds light on some interesting angles that affect the corporate sphere. The […]
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Here’s How Beatboxing Can Help You Master Successful Business Communication

November 13, 2017
Business and Beatboxing. At face value, they don’t share any obvious similarities, yet according to Ally Yates, author of ‘Utter Confidence: How what you say and do influences your effectiveness in business’, says there’s commonality to be exploited. Beatboxing uses the body like a versatile musical instrument, imitating a variety of sounds through the mouth, […]
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Digital Vs Paper: A History of Printing, In House and Outsourced

November 13, 2017
You’ll likely remember your office in the 90s had a couple of printers, or even a printer room. Did the digital age simply eliminate the need for paper printing, or did we just adapt and begin outsourcing fa more? What does the cost dynamic look like for different types of business? Here James Kinsella, Co-Founder […]
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Former Apple CEO John Sculley On Entrepreneurial Capitalism

November 13, 2017
We sat down with John Sculley to discuss entrepreneurial capitalism and how companies need to put customers first.
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