Will There Be Another Apple?

September 28, 2018
By Louisa Rochford   Apple Inc. reached a valuation of one trillion dollars in August of this year, the first of this phenomenon in history. At the time, the company was in tight competition with Amazon, both vying for this historic milestone—and it’s clear who won the race. However, while only briefly, Amazon reached trillion-dollar […]
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How Can Companies Maximise ROI for Their Brand?

September 28, 2018
Return on investment is key to moving forward, for any brand. Why invest if you’re not going to make the most of it? Below Jo Davies, Managing Director of brand implementation specialists VIM Group, guides us through the key questions and challenges to be considered before, during and after any brand investment. In today’s market, […]
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Digital Transformation & Leadership: The 5 Big Questions

September 26, 2018
What does ‘digital’ actually mean? How will your company cope with digital transformation? What happens to the people who can’t or won’t go digital? Are your leaders doing what digital leaders have to do? Are you personally ready, willing and able to go digital yourself? Michael Leckie, digital transformation leader and advisor to Leading Edge […]
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Gender Pay Gap Reporting: Why We Need More Women at the Top

September 25, 2018
April 2018 was the deadline for private and public organisations with more than 250 employees to report their gender pay gap. More than 10,000 employers provided details of their gender pay gap, and more than three-quarters of them paid men more than women, on average, during the 2017 reporting period. Just 14% of companies reported […]
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Have We ‘Over-Professionalised’ the Workplace?

September 13, 2018
Care in the workplace is something you don’t often hear executives discussing. It also isn’t something we routinely read about in business journals or the leadership literature. Tracy Kite, author of Love to Lead, leads the discussion below, on the over-proffessionlisation of the workplace. My own research suggests that the discourse on care in business […]
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Improving Customer Loyalty: How Can It Be Done?

September 5, 2018
Consumer habits have changed, they aren’t as loyal as they once were. They now have more choice and companies are more competitive when it comes to price and product selection. So, how can brands encourage their customers to be loyal to them and encourage them not to go elsewhere? QUIZ, retailers of party dresses, tell […]
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Indra Nooyi: Refreshing PepsiCo

August 31, 2018
By Louisa Rochford   Consistently ranked among the world’s 100 Most Powerful Women and one of our Top 50 CEOs, Indra Nooyi has accomplished a wealth of achievements in her 12 years as CEO of PepsiCo. Now, as Nooyi begins the process of her departure from the position, the world loses a revolutionary leader that […]
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The 5 Main Impacts of a Hard Brexit Explained

August 22, 2018
What happens over the next few months will impact every single person in the UK and it is important to understand the possible implications of a ‘hard Brexit’; where the UK would not only leave the EU but also the Single Market and Customs Union. Roy Botterill, Partner at Shakespeare Martineau, explains in more detail […]
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Managing Cash for First-Time Exporters

August 21, 2018
When it comes to managing cash, things can become a lot more complicated if a business is trading internationally, so businesses considering exporting goods for the first time should take care to plan ahead. Nick Farmer, Partner and international trading specialist at Menzies LLP, below explains the process of managing cash and the payments cycle […]
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8 of the Worst Business Decisions Ever Made

August 15, 2018
Betway Casino have looked at 8 of the worst business decisions ever made. These negotiations had some of the most expensive consequences, undoubtedly leading to some very difficult boardroom conversations later. The Worst Business Decisions Include: Back in 1999, search engine Excite, one of the most well-known brands on the internet, turned down the opportunity […]
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What’s the New Generation Office Dress Code?

August 1, 2018
Once you’ve aced the interview, or worked your way up to your dream job, it’s now time for an even bigger challenge; mastering the office dress code. Working in a high-level position often means long hours and you don’t want to waste your spare time in the morning deciding what to wear. So, what’s the […]
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Why Your Employees Need a ‘Mental Health Day’

July 31, 2018
An employee calling in sick to work is considered completely acceptable if it’s for a migraine, stomach bug or physical injury. But what about the days a member of staff is at work and although they’re not physically ill, mentally they are absent? It’s estimated that mental health-related presenteeism costs employers up to 3x the […]
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