Thinking of Purchasing a Franchise? 5 Things You Should Know

March 12, 2018
So you’re likely at the point where it’s an idea, but you’re not quite sure what to do, which sector to dip into, or how to go about it. Below CEO Today hears from Steve Witt, Co-Founder of The Travel Franchise, who has some of the answers you’ve been looking for. More often than not, […]
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5 Reasons Your Company May Be Failing

March 8, 2018
A recent study found that half of all UK start-ups fail within the first five years; however, it's not only start-ups that are at risk, several large retailer companies have failed in 2018 already.  The question is, ‘what makes a business fail and how do you prevent it?’ Ruta Gabalis, CEO of AeroBlue and investor, shares […]
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Why Do Audi, BMW & VW Sponsor Sports?

February 28, 2018
Banking corporations and automotive titans have something in common; they sponsor sports leagues and teams. But what’s the ROI on sports sponsorship and does it pay off? Below experts at Vindis explain for CEO Today. A significant percentage of automotive manufacturers have invested their sponsorship money in sporting events. It is estimated that the car […]
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Why Is Your Employer Branding Important?

February 23, 2018
If you take care of your employees, your employees will take care of you (and your company). It seems straightforward, but there’s more to it than ‘taking care’ – your company is brand to more than just your customers, it’s also a brand for your employees. Here MVF Chief People Officer, Andrea Pattico explains the […]
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Social Media Strategies: Catering for New Business

February 21, 2018
In the business of today, social media platforms are a huge tool in reaching an audience, and engagement is manageable and measurable. Below, experts at Nisbets have provided CEO Today with insight into the planning and implementation of social media strategies for new businesses on the scene. At the beginning of 2017, the UK had […]
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Why Are Businesses Sponsoring Paralympic Athletes?

February 16, 2018
It may not always have monetary foundations, but philanthropy is a business model. Sponsorship can often mean synergy with a brand, a person or a cause, and hand in hand with those come values a business can adopt. Below Steve Huxter, Chief Operating Officer at ByBox, delves into the benefits and principles behind the sponsorship of […]
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Thinking of Leaving a Corporate Career to Go Into Social Good?

February 15, 2018
Job fulfillment varies for different individuals; some measure success through their payslip, others their job title and others through the difference they make in people’s lives. If you’re feeling unfulfilled in your role, now is always the perfect time to take a leap of faith and move into social good. Below John Ramsay, CEO of Shift8, […]
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Italy’s 5 Best Hidden Food Gems & Secret Luxury Eats

February 15, 2018
Are you dreaming of escaping to the sun-drenched climes of Italy? Whether you’re a devoted foodie or strictly a holiday gastronomer, there’s a hidden gem just waiting to be uncovered. Italian holiday specialists Citalia have revealed their ‘Secret Eats’ of Italy, the top five food gems you simply must visit at least once. Prepare to […]
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Do the New FCA Regulations Apply to Your Business?

February 9, 2018
Earlier in 2017, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a consultation paper on its proposals to extend the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) to all firms regulated by the FCA in 2018. Below, John Hayes, Principal and Partner at Constantine Law explains all you need to know about the extension of the Senior Managers […]
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The Top 10 Software Technologies to Increase Productivity

February 7, 2018
Time management is a vital skill for all professionals to have, whether you’re in an entry-level position or a board director. It’s easy for us to be distracted from our daily to-do list and procrastinate. Below STL Microsoft Training lists ten software technologies which are used to help increase productivity. These tools can help you […]
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How Do We Grow a Culture of Learning in the Boardroom?

February 6, 2018
A lot of what a business achieves stems from how its culture is nurtured. Below Sharon Constançon, IoD Chartered Director (MBA, FCIS), discusses the ins and outs of a mature and efficient learning culture in the board room. Scenario Discussion with a board chairman about the forthcoming Board Evaluation begins with the question – “What […]
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Is Traditional PR the Same As It Used To Be?

February 5, 2018
London, December 2017 - So what really lies ahead for the communications industry?  It is fair to say that PR has experienced its challenges of late; it been dealt a million social media blows, not to mention the deluge of digital marketers who think it can simply and quickly replace PR completely. The nerve! The […]
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