Should I Invest in Songs and Musical IP Rights?

February 1, 2021
Over the past few months, music catalogues have been trading hands heavily as musicians, such as Bob Dylan and John Legend have been selling the publishing rights to their songs. We explore why music royalties are becoming so attractive in the current market environment, delving into the investment side of the music industry.
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The Greatest Secret of Rockefeller’s Success

December 22, 2020
For proof of the crucial role of trust in business, look no further than the amazing life story of the richest man in history, John D. Rockefeller. For the young Rockefeller, realising that “old men had confidence in me right away” soon after he had started his very first business, was a key to his […]
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The Biggest Success Stories of 2020

December 1, 2020
To infinity and beyond Walt Disney Despite a rocky year, the success of Disney + earns Disney a spot on the success list. After a wobbly start, the SVOD service launched in November 2019 with immaculate timing. Disney recently reported over 73 million paid subscribers - smashing its goal of 60 to 90 million by […]
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The 3 Top Priorities for Businesses Preparing to Survive Future Lockdowns

December 1, 2020
Last time the UK experienced such severe lockdown measures, the consequences were catastrophic. The country entered its worst recession on record, with renowned enterprises, such as Pizza Express, Cath Kidston and Debenhams falling into administration. Over 76,000 businesses have closed permanently in London alone as of June. Many organisations were caught unprepared and ill-equipped to handle […]
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How to Switch from an Employee to an Entrepreneur Mindset

October 30, 2020
Eleven years on, here’s what I would have told myself to make the transition from employee to entrepreneur easier. Can’t play a blame game Being an employee can be frustrating when things don’t move fast enough or when colleagues drop the ball.  As part of an organisation, we blame others if things don’t go perfectly. […]
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How Sustainable Investing Can Support a Green Economic Recovery Post-COVID-19

October 30, 2020
This is the first step in a ten-step ‘Build Back Greener’ plan, which is expected to be set out in full detail later in the year, and which will include new targets and investment into industries, innovation and infrastructure. This follows last year’s legislation requiring the government to reduce the UK’s net greenhouse gas emissions […]
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How Are Business Jets Faring in the COVID-19 Pandemic?

October 28, 2020
Though demand for air travel has plummeted, the gap left by commercial flights has left an opening for private jets to meet the needs of travelling business leaders.
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Alcatel's UK & IRE Country Director William Paterson on the Future of Smartphones

September 30, 2020
You’ve recently increased your activity in the world of B2B with the Alcatel brand. What drove that move and how is it going? B2B is an area we’ve always worked in Alcatel; however, the current climate has made us rethink our focus. We’ve primarily been a consumer-driven brand, however, with COVID-19 impacting retail as heavily […]
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Jayne-Anne Gadhia: “If We Hold Women Back, We Hold the Economy Back”

September 30, 2020
Earlier this year, in the midst of a global pandemic, Gadhia founded her own FinTech startup Snoop – a free app which connects all your bank accounts and credit cards, tracking your spending and spotting smart ways which can help you can save money. We hear all about it below. What inspired you to start […]
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Why EQ is Just as Valuable as IQ

September 30, 2020
What I expected to be a standard meeting ended up being a pivotal moment in my career. I’d never considered that how I look - I’m a six-foot-plus Scot - impacts how people see me; it turns out appearances can be intimidating. That one remark brought into sharp focus my perception of myself as an […]
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US vs. China: A Technology Cold War

September 30, 2020
Pro-democracy protests and a national security law have brought attention and uncertainty to Hong Kong while at the same time the US is banning or seeking the forced sale of Chinese companies operating in the US, like Huawei and now TikTok (a video sharing app owned by China’s ByteDance). Even more recently, some imports from […]
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How Gymshark Disrupted the Fitness Industry

August 28, 2020
It all started in 2012 when the Founder of sportswear brand Gymshark, Ben Francis, asked his mother to teach him how to use a sewing machine, so he could make vests and t-shirts him and his friends could wear to the gym. Fast forward eight years, and today, Ben’s company Gymshark has joined the list […]
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