Strengthening Your Defences in the Fight Against Fraud

March 29, 2019
In recent years, a number of high-profile fraud cases have made the headlines. Every business is susceptible to fraud in some shape or form and the outcome of these frauds can have varying levels of impact, including financial loss, reputational damage and in the worst cases can even threaten the survival of the organisation. Questions […]
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Future-Proofing Your Brand in the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’

March 29, 2019
This year’s World Economic Forum in Davos focused on the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ – a new era of emergent technologies like 5G, AI and connected devices that are already changing our lives. This technology offers risk and reward for businesses in all sectors. Effective and early adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), for example, is already […]
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Five Ways to Find Out What Your Customers Really Think

March 29, 2019
1.4 million people left the big six utilities between June 2017 and June 2018. For the most part, they left for smaller challenger firms. The reason? Switching to better tariffs certainly, but not solely. For many people, it’s the customer experience – in fact in the January 2018 Which? customer satisfaction survey, the Big Six […]
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Return of the Human: How Big Co’s Can Keep Up with Challengers

February 28, 2019
Melinda Davis, Group Director of Strategy at Spicefire, looks into how the Big Co's of the world can keep up with modern competition with a humanized approach. From calling a cab or taking a vacation to ordering food or applying for a loan, brands with a challenger mindset are transforming the world with solutions that […]
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Redefining the C-suite

February 28, 2019
Gad Elkin, Vice President of UK & Ireland at F5 Networks, discusses the ways in which the C-suite should be redefined in order to achieve the best business strategies.   Most major strategic shifts tend to happen at board level, but does that necessarily result in optimal outcomes? Are the right people always present to help […]
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The Illusion of Wealth

February 28, 2019
Focus on investment to avoid getting caught up in a cycle of consumption, says Ryan Jackson, Founder and CEO of Gemini Parking Solutions. Delusional or just mass confusion? There is an ever-increasing collective of consumers promoting the false ideology of wealth. This culture has brainwashed a generation. In this digital age so many are able […]
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Innovating Icons: How Brands Can Maintain the Love

February 28, 2019
Jonathan Kenyon, Founder & ECD at Vault49, looks into some of the most iconic brands in the world and how they can either flounder or flourish. Iconic brands tap into something deeper than the feelings people usually have for companies. They go beyond mere affection to something suspiciously close to true love. Pepsi, Nike, McDonald’s, […]
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Top Tips to Become a Pro at Public Speaking

February 28, 2019
Shaun Thomson, CEO of Sandler Training UK, gives his top advice for public speaking from an executive perspective. It’s well documented that many people find the thought of public speaking more frightening that going to the dentist, handling spiders or even death! Even the most seasoned CEOs can find public speaking frightening, or at best, […]
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Are Young Talent Inspired by Business Leaders and Icons of Today?

February 28, 2019
When young people enter the workplace today, they are pushed to their limits, they face incredible pressure and as a result they learn in a world that focuses only on targets, bottom line profits and process.  In contrast, the worry is the growing lack of focus on people, culture and teams, which eventually leads to bland, uninspiring […]
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Technology Should Make You Stand Out

February 28, 2019
What differentiates your company from your rivals? In corporate literature, the answer to this crucial question is usually about unique selling points, improved value propositions and unrivalled leadership teams. However, such internally sourced answers are rarely meaningful - you should be asking the customer. Increasingly in the modern economy, the profitable established sectors are becoming […]
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Hiring A CEO: How Does It Work?

January 31, 2019
Hiring a CEO is a big task. Finding the perfect candidate to lead a business takes a lot of work and requires a thorough and robust recruitment process in order to get it right. Whilst many organisations work with recruitment agencies to help find candidates, a more prudent approach to ensure the best possible candidates […]
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Social Impact Needs To Be a Company-wide Initiative

January 31, 2019
While most corporates and businesses have implemented a social impact strategy, many are typically incongruent with the company’s profitability and growth objectives and are often rendered obsolete. Effective social impact strategies need to be ingrained in the very fabric of a company’s corporate DNA, and not just a tick in the box. Companies are still […]
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