Yaching Pages App: Find Everything you need in the Superyacht Industry

September 27, 2017
UK-based Yachting Pages Media Group (YPMG) has launched the highly anticipated global Yachting Pages App in association with Sunseeker International, available to download on both app stores. The App has been two years in the making, designed and developed for superyacht captains, owners and senior crew to source suppliers from an extensive worldwide database available […]
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The CEO Travel Guide: The Best Breaks away from the Office

August 25, 2017
Today’s fast-paced business landscape brings with it a host of daily challenges. From reacting to advancements in technology affecting your industry, organisation and leadership to aligning employees with your company’s mission, the multifaceted role of a CEO brings with it a wealth of challenges.  So, when it comes to having a well-deserved break, how can […]
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The Institute of Directors’ New Director Training Academy

August 24, 2017
The Institute of Directors (IoD) is the UK's largest membership organisation for business leaders, which provides informative events, professional development courses for self-improvement, networking and expert advice. Its new director training academy is due to open its doors in Pall Mall, London in September. To learn about its physical and digital campuses, the courses it […]
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Nokia’s CEO Cormac Whelan: “Good leaders should always strive to find the right balance between direction and autonomy!”

August 24, 2017
This month, Katina Hristova had the honour of interviewing Cormac Whelan, who became the CEO of Nokia UK and Ireland in 2016, following the integration of Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent. Previously, Cormac was the CEO of Alcatel Lucent UK and Ireland. He believes that this has proved to be a really exciting time to be part […]
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Top 5 reasons to Move to the Cloud before 2018

August 22, 2017
An underlying theme we’re witnessing for the UK’s economy in 2017 is uncertainty. Recent events have led to an unknown future for many small business owners, who are questioning if now is a good time to be making big investments, plan for their future, or scale their company. This will vary between business and industry, […]
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What's the Role of AI in the Workplace?

August 8, 2017
Recently, there has been a lot of uncertainty as to whether the advancement in AI and Machine Learning would become a hindrance, even replacing jobs traditionally done by humans. Or, will it in fact, be an empowering addition to the workforce, allowing staff to use a more advanced skill-set by removing simpler administration tasks? Do […]
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The International Stock Exchange: MAR, Brexit and Listings Trends

July 31, 2017
CEO Today speaks to Daniel Richards, Partner at Jersey-based law firm Ogier, about recent developments and listings trends within The International Stock Exchange.   What developments have affected TISE in the last year? From the perspective of The International Stock Exchange, there have been three significant developments over the last 12 months: the impact of […]
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Businesses Must Pack & Prepare for Holidays Too

July 31, 2017
By Clive Lewis, Head of Enterprise, ICAEW It is not only employees that must write lists and make plans to prepare for their summer get-aways – the small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) they temporarily leave behind for the sun and sand must be equally prepared for the departure of staff to ensure the business […]
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Outsourcing 101 – What you need to Know

July 31, 2017
By Kathryn Moran, Partner and Head of Outsourcing at haysmacintyre Outsourcing is now a mainstream agenda item for key decision makers to consider in businesses of all sizes. It encompasses a broad range of services, business, production and manufacturing processes. The development, growth and maturity of the outsourcing market, together with the advent and rapid […]
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Lucy Shea from Futerra: ‘To Change the World, First Imagine a Better One’

July 31, 2017
Lucy Shea is the CEO of Futerra - the change agency. She joined the company in 2003 and has since grown the business from a start-up of five to a global agency with teams in London, New York and Stockholm. Shea has long experience in persuading people to take up sustainable lifestyles. She was a […]
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Lisa Lyon on Growing her Company into a Leading Data Verification and Trace Company

June 14, 2017
Established in 1988, Target Professional Services is a UK-based company providing Data Cleansing and Verification solutions to the financial sector.  Target verifies that common data is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Where records are found to be out-of-date, Target are able to accurately trace and verify the data to ensure records held are always compliant with […]
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Interview with Peter Sprigg, the CEO of Helge Nyberg AB

June 14, 2017
Peter Sprigg, CEO of Helge Nyberg AB in Sweden, explains the challenges of offering a unique logistics business, developing and manufacturing trolleys and towing and picking trucks for a global market.   Could you please give a brief overall description of Helge Nyberg AB and the work you do? Helge Nyberg AB is a company […]
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