Marianne Kirkegaard: Leading in Familiar Territory

November 30, 2017
The bakery business is in Marianne Kirkegaard’s blood. Well, figuratively speaking. The daughter of a second-generation Danish baker, Kirkegaard—now president and CEO of CSM Bakery Solutions—spent much of her early years inside and around the two bakeries owned by her father, Hans Kirkegaard and her mother Ketty. “My dad took over his father’s bakery at […]
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Technology-Enabled Market Research Company Maru Group and its CEO – Ged Parton

November 30, 2017
Ged Parton is the CEO of Maru Group, the technology-enabled market research and customer insights company. The Group provides their clients with targeted, relevant insights at speed enabling them to adapt their corporate strategy, then scale and innovate quickly to stay ahead of the competition.  Since the Group was founded in 2016, Maru has made […]
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Completing the Deal: David Lamb from Conyers Dill & Pearman

November 30, 2017
For our monthly Completing the Deal feature, CEO Today reached out to David Lamb – Hong Kong-based Partner and global Co-Chairman of leading international law firm Conyers Dill & Pearman. The company’s impressive client base includes FTSE 100/Fortune 500 companies and other major corporations, international banks and financial institutions. The firm advises on Bermuda, British Virgin […]
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The Impact of Brexit on the Catering and Hospitality Industries

November 27, 2017
On 8th June, the snap general election took place. The reason for this was, according to Prime Minister Theresa May, due to a focus on Brexit: "The country is coming together but Westminster is not […] division in Westminster will risk our ability to make a success of Brexit." Whilst talks on Brexit developments change […]
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Digital Vs Paper: A History of Printing, In House and Outsourced

November 13, 2017
You’ll likely remember your office in the 90s had a couple of printers, or even a printer room. Did the digital age simply eliminate the need for paper printing, or did we just adapt and begin outsourcing fa more? What does the cost dynamic look like for different types of business? Here James Kinsella, Co-Founder […]
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An Interview with Tania Morgan-Weyer, the MD of the No 1 Local Manufacturer in the Wet Pet Food category in Southern Africa – Promeal

October 31, 2017
Kicking off our October Game Changers section is an interview with and individual who’s passionate about making a positive difference through people and building brands people love, whilst treading lightly - Tania Morgan-Weyer. She is the current Managing Director of Promeal - a pet care business focused on cat and dog care products and services. […]
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Everything You Need to Know About Terminated Merchant Accounts

October 2, 2017
Libby James, Co-Founder of Merchant Advice Service, discusses terminated merchant accounts and how, although there isn’t a standard set of rules when accounts are penalised, directors and CEOs can navigate the maze of solutions. Obtaining a merchant account can be daunting and with industry terminology thrown around, it can be difficult to decide which provider […]
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Neopost and Its Finance Director Paul Puxty

May 16, 2017
  Paul Puxty originally trained as a Chartered Accountant with PriceWaterhouseCoopers, working in their audit function. After 12 years with PwC, gaining varied work experiences, including a two-year spell in Melbourne, Australia, he was looking for his first role in “industry”, which resulted in joining Neopost as Financial Controller in 2001. After 5 years in […]
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