World Billionaire Wealth Reaches Record $10 Trillion

October 7, 2020
The opportunities and stimulus measures resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically enriched the world’s wealthiest.
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AstraZeneca CEO Claims 2020 Vaccine Possible Despite Setbacks

September 10, 2020
Pascal Soriot sought to allay fears that a suspension of late-stage trials would mean a delay in COVID-19 vaccine production.
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What’s Worse: Smoking or Asbestos?

July 29, 2020
Asbestos and smoking can lead to lung cancer and heart issues. Both toxic substances are dangerous on their own, but the risks of smoking taken together with exposure to asbestos is the most deadly combination.
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The Four Black Fortune 500 CEOs

July 28, 2020
As the world’s largest companies pledge to tackle prejudice in the workplace, the number of ethnic minority CEOs leading these companies continues to shrink.
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UHNWIs Petition Governments to Raise Their Taxes

July 13, 2020
83 of the world’s richest individuals have urged national governments to permanently increase taxes on the super-rich to lessen the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The World's Most Influential LGBT+ Business Leaders

June 26, 2020
In honour of Pride Month, CEO Today examines the careers of LGBT+ CEOs and executives who now rank among the most powerful business leaders in the world.
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Gilead Sciences Donates Entire Stock of Anti-Coronavirus Drug to US Government

May 4, 2020
The biopharmaceutical company will allow the US government to utilise its stocks of remdesivir, following the FDA’s approval to use the drug to treat COVID-19 cases.
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Animal Health is More Than a Corporate Goal

April 1, 2020
In this interview, Jean shares his views on his decision to join the Animal Health Business Unit, the first things he has been focusing on and how the animal health industry contributes to the wellbeing of animals and people. You’ve spent most of your career working in human pharma, why did you decide to move […]
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Elon Musk Offers to Produce Ventilators to Combat Coronavirus

March 19, 2020
The Tesla CEO’s offer echoes sentiments expressed by fellow motor companies in America and Europe.
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Blanchard & Calhoun: 100 Years of Premium Insurance Services

August 30, 2019
Preston Moss is the President of Blanchard & Calhoun Insurance Agency Inc, and has been with the firm since September 1980 with his strongest focus in sales. Preston tells us about Blanchard & Calhoun and their hard work spanning 100 years of history, having recently celebrated their anniversary.   How do you ensure the quality […]
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Sarah Negus: A Modern-day Shaman for the Corporate World

July 31, 2019
Sarah Negus is a modern-day shaman and spiritual healer who specialises in helping people in the corporate world operate more effectively. Her clients range from senior directors at global companies through to CEOs of small family-owned businesses and entrepreneurs. Sarah uses various modern-day shamanic techniques to help her clients operate more successfully by addressing various […]
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Revolutionary Rehabilitative Care at MEDIAN Hospital Group

April 30, 2019
Since 2011, Dr. André M. Schmidt has served as the CEO of the MEDIAN Hospital Group, Europe’s largest provider for post-acute and rehabilitative care. Prior to this, Dr. Schmidt worked for 6 years for McKinsey & Company and held various high-level operative positions with different post-acute and nursing care provider. He studied biochemistry at Leibniz […]
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