Keysight Technologies: The Keysight Leadership Model

August 30, 2019
Ron Nersesian is the President and CEO of Keysight Technologies. Keysight provides world-class electronic design and measurement solutions to accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world. They have the broadest and deepest portfolio of solutions and expertise to meet the world’s toughest electronic measurement and design challenges. Keysight develops solutions that help bring electronic […]
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App47: Deploy, Monitor and Secure Enterprise Apps

August 30, 2019
Chris Schroeder is the CEO and Co-founder of App47, Inc. Chris started App47 in 2011 to provide enterprises with the same set of system management capabilities for their mobile apps that they employ for their servers, routers and applications. Drawing on over 30 years of experience in IT, App47 makes it easy to deploy, monitor […]
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Finding Success Through Failure: Fairbanks Insurance Brokers’ Story

August 30, 2019
How many of us would risk stepping out of bed in the morning if we knew we would slip and fall, thus breaking an ankle walking to the bathroom? How many of us would risk driving to work if we knew we would crash our vehicle leaving the driveway? Moreover, how many of us think […]
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Investing in a Large Mansion: The Things You Need to Consider and How to Make It a Success

August 30, 2019
Strolling through a rolling green garden, stoking logs in an ornate fireplace or whipping up a delicious feast in a spacious kitchen. Whether it is yourself you imagine partaking in these country delights or you simply want to expand your property portfolio with something different, when it comes to investing in a large-scale property, there […]
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Network Optimisation: The Key to Business Sustainability?

August 30, 2019
In the current political and ecological climate, there is mounting pressure on businesses to achieve greater levels of sustainability from a variety of stakeholders. Not only do a massive 81% of consumers now prefer to buy from brands with a commitment to environmental sustainability, but it has also been shown that environmental, social and governance […]
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Using Risk Management to Accelerate Decision Making and Growth in Your Business

August 30, 2019
One of the most painful aspects of growing a business are surprise shocks or accidents that hit the reputation, cash, profitability or business plans with such impact that it threatens the very future of the company and potentially the founder. Richard Branson’s risk-taking is legendary. He has said it is the essence of entrepreneurship to […]
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Can CEOs Sustain Company Ethics in a World Led by Robots?

August 30, 2019
Ethics in business are nothing new, and ethics itself has been a topic of conversation and debate for thousands of years.
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How To Protect Your Business Against Privacy Invasions

August 29, 2019
In the past, corporate espionage and theft of intellectual and physical property were among the top security concerns for businesses, now the Internet of Things has its own security threats, and with net connectivity championing most of today’s business functions, the risk is high.
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Can a CEO Truly Be Impartial?

August 28, 2019
One of the biggest pitfalls for senior directors in business is a rock-solid belief in their own impartiality.
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Why Smarter Communication Will Unlock the Workforce of the Future

August 28, 2019
The modern workplace is almost unrecognisable when compared to what it was just a decade ago.
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When Should a CEO Say Sorry?

August 27, 2019
This month, executives of kitchen appliance manufacturer Whirlpool came forward and apologized for not opting to recall fire-prone dryers they had been selling for the last decade or so.
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Should Bonus Schemes Be Tailored to Loyal Customers or Big Spenders?

August 27, 2019
Loyalty schemes have become ubiquitous in modern business, largely because they can be implemented in some form within almost every industry. However, questions remain over the most effective way to run such a scheme. 
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