It’s been an eventful year so far at Act-On. We’ve hired a ton of people, experienced exciting transitions, felt growing pains, and seen the benefit of dedicated teamwork as our strategies come to life and take shape with tangible progress. Of course, you need clear and meaningful strategy and business objectives to drive such a […]
Like it or not, money makes the world go ‘round. Businesses of all industries and sizes often rely on investors to bring home the bacon. It’s this all-important influx of cash that helps businesses scale smart over time.
Bill Gates is currently the world's second richest person with a net worth of over $93 billion. In 1975, childhood friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft and went on to create the operating system for IBM's first personal computer. Although Gates loves his luxury vehicles, he says his primary concerns are global warming […]
A question often not asked enough. When we think of CEO – we likely think of the positives: the recognition, power, and leadership. It’s not always that way.
Political, social and technological disruptions are set to shake up the business world more than ever over the next 12 months, putting increased pressure on the decision-making capabilities of the CEO.
CEOs are dropping like flies these days. From scandals to poor management, there’s always a door opening for a new CEO, so how can you, a potential first time CEO, get one step ahead of your competitors?
The abundance of digital and social media has created a golden opportunity for brands to deliver highly relevant and targeted messages to their audiences around the clock and at speed.
Technology is a powerful enabler, but leaders need closer guidance in bringing about the business and cultural changes required to make digital transformation a success
CEO Today Online and CEO Today magazine are dedicated to providing CEOs and C-level executives with the latest corporate developments, business news and technological innovations.